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A fulltime farmer and blogger who love to share all his farming experiences. The mature weight of the males is 65 kg (143 lb) with the female at 45 kg (99 lb). Lohi has distinctive large lop ears. The breed resembles black-head Persian Sheep but is smaller in size and has good fleece. The breeding tract of the breed runs across three districts namely Lahaul Spiti Kinnaur and Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. The purpose was to estimate the magnitude of various environmental sources of variation influencing birth weight in this breed of sheep. Lohi sheep are large, having deep and massive body, weighing on average 45-62 kg. Indian Sheep Breeds – Deccani Sheep . The effects of year and age of ewe were significant for fertility, litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), litter weight at birth (LWB) and litter weight at weaning (LWW). The mature Lohi ram weighs 65 kg (143 lb). Say No to Chemicals and plastics. The mature weight of the males is 65kg with the female at 45kg. animal-science-mail-form There is a great variation in coat colour,but the typical coat is white with small tan patches on head and neck. Genetic parameters were estimated by REML procedure using the GENSTAT program. --> They are a large size with a white body coat with a black circle around the eyes and a black tip extending to the lower one-third of the ears. The general body colour is white with a.large reddish brown head having.long and drooping ears. 26: 1994: The system can't perform the operation now. They have typical Roman nose, broad chest, long and … Its rapid body growth coupled with good quality meat are the main characteristics of this breed. Pages in category "Sheep breeds originating in Pakistan" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. It is used for its carpet quality wool and meat production. This list may not reflect recent changes (). In current study, for the first time we investigated CLPG mutation (C.267A>G) by using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing in three Pakistani sheep breeds, named as Thalli, Kajli and Lohi. The average annual wool clip is 3.0kg of medium wool (39.8 m fiber diameter). The ears are very long, flat and drooping; ear length: 26.79 ± 0.21cm (216). Sheep are herbivores and prefer to eat grass and leaves. The Lohi sheep are medium-sized sheep that are white in color with black or brown head. Data from 6305 lambings of Lohi, 7/8 Lohi: 1/8 Awassi (LA) and 7/8 Lohi: 1/8 Kachhi (LK) ewes from 1981 through 1993 were used to analyse growth and reproductive traits and wool production. Deccani sheep breed basically is a mixture of the woolly types of Rajasthan and the hairy types of Andhra Pradesh,Telangana and Tamil Nadu states. The tail is short, thick and stumpy. Genetic parameter estimates for pre-weaning weight traits in Dorper sheep. The Perendale sheep breed was accepted as an established breed in Australia in 1975. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of some performance characteristics of Lohi sheep. NOTE: The form can also be used for Comments, Suggestions, and Corrections. There is an immense variation in development and reproductive traits of this breed which demonstrates a great possibility of enhancement in performance. Deccani Sheep Breed. Thanks for visiting our site, let’s make this world a better place to live. The wool yield is 3.0 kg (medium; fiber diameter 37.6 m ). Also, a strong supporter of sustainable farming practices. Perendale Sheep Characteristics. The name Aseel or Asil or Asli are all the same chicken. This breed is found in the central districts of Punjab. Purpose: Meat, Fiber: Characteristics: The mature weight of the males is 65 kg (143 lb) with the female at 45 kg (99 lb). This process is called shearing. The very large lop ears, which are usually also tasseled, are the most distinctive feature. Information on adding new breeds or updating existing information. The Lohi has distinctive large lop ears. Project initiated April, 1994 - Initial web site opened February 22, 1995. Furthermore, the Lohi breed also exhibited the highest levels of packed cell volume, total serum protein, albumin as well as eosinophils and mast cell counts. Information on three body biometric characteristics viz. ME Babar.