And then the mama summoned her neighbors to come. " Crazy socks? safe and sound phrase. Let’s face it, you are sending an email to a total stranger. She sees the same silver fish, although it bears no resemblance to her husband's sketch. English. Anonymous said: Hi! share | improve this answer | follow | answered Feb 19 '16 at 20:42. Most business emails always start with “I hope this email finds you well”. hope you are doing well synonymes. Izneo, the comic book platform, is also flourishing with a series of promotions. ", In New Hampshire, Gibson's Bookstore in Concord announced "Governor Sununu has confirmed that N.H. retailers may continue to do curbside pickup and USPS delivery. Beyond that, I'll say we're doing surprisingly fine for a small bookstore that opened a month before a global pandemic, so please feel free to worry about us less and direct any extra dollars you might have toward the small businesses that are still open--or toward local arts groups, nonprofits, and charities, all of whom need help now too.". Not only should you use a less-formal tone when sending messages to personal connections, but you can ask more intimate questions as well.
A lot, of course, depends on how long Pages is closed. A simple, ‘We hope you’re doing well’ will suffice,” a Deadline editor tweeted. Hope you’re doing well and staying safe!! In a personal note to customers, Susan Murphy, owner of Pages Bookshop, Detroit, Mich., wrote: "Whether you have ordered books online, bought a gift certificate, shared our story or sent kind words of support, I appreciate it all. I decided to make this letter public because I would like for everyone who isn’t paying attention to see how driven and relentless you are in vying for a challenging position of service to mankind. J'espère que vous allez tous et toutes bien, et que vous avancez dans vos [...] travaux après l'été. ", Prince Books, Norfolk, Va., noted that "in his March 30 press briefing, Governor Northam continues to say that businesses like Prince Books may remain open to customers as long as we practice social distancing. Our doors are shut (partially) but you can still come and visit us to pick up some books if you know what you're looking for. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. We started this bookstore in the hopes of creating community around art, literature, and creativity. Soon after, you began thinking about the age-old Porridge Pot story, which--thanks to your Italian genes--morphed into a Pasta Pot and... along came Strega Nona (S&S, 1975), a Caldecott Honor book. API call; Human contributions. These moments of human connection coupled with the reality of moving to an online business for the moment led Loyalty to create these new Bundles and Bookseller recs. If you’re an abuser of “I hope you’re doing well,” try these different -- and better -- ways to say it. See 2 authoritative translations of I hope you are safe and well in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. As the age of social distancing dawned, Chawa Magaña, founder and co-owner of Palabras Bilingual Bookstore, Phoenix, Ariz., "saw how volunteers in Seattle rallied together in response to the city's large outbreak of COVID-19," the New Times reported, adding that Magaña decided that if it worked there, it could work in her city, too. "I think I have said, 'I hope you are well and staying safe' about 800 times in the last week. Among the respondents, 62% were from publishing, 19% booksellers, 6% agents, 3.5% authors, 2% distributors and 1% freelancers, plus 6% from other categories including scouts, recruiters, festival organizers and packagers. Thank you to our community for all the support you have given to Exeter’s locally owned and independent bookstore! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AMAZING SUPPORT! We’re living in crazy times, so I want to start by saying that I hope this email finds you safe and well. Info. Reply. At last count, there were nearly 25 million copies of your books in the world. 'It’s happening!,' she texted me. "Two weeks ago, right as schools were being canceled and nonessential businesses were rumored to soon be shut, a Hilltown mom-hero reached out to us. Major French publishers "are making their staff part-time under new measures announced by the government to help companies survive the lockdown imposed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic," the Bookseller reported. 'We Hope You Are Doing Well & Staying Safe', Indie Bookstores Are Essential Businesses, Some States Agree, How Bookstores Are Coping: Community Support & Generosity, International Update: U.K. Book Trade Survey, French Cutbacks, Image of the Day: Books Around the Corner, Coronavirus-fighting Ideas: Trident's Brunch for Two; Phoenix Mutual Aid, Bookstore Chalkboard: Roebling Point Books & Coffee, advised that we will be allowed to continue operating, Each and every one of you has built Pages. One employee, who works for an independent, said they had been able to stop working before the lockdown "to protect a vulnerable family member" and were put "on full pay for at least two months." The all-volunteer group prioritizes help for those who are sick, disabled, elderly, undocumented, queer, black, indigenous, people of color, and quarantined without pay. Shelf Talker: This enchanting debut novel introduces a young widow searching for the meaning of a mysterious fish-man who appeared in her husband's dreams and, now, in hers, too. We need your humor, your talent, and your joie de vivre now more than ever. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please continue to order from us! I hope you are well. Le groupe de compagnies LiteForex annonce le. Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. Traductions en contexte de "Hope you're safe" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Hope you're safe up there. What does safe … Updated: Apr 27, 2020. ; You and your family are in grave danger. "And so, late into the night, I stuffed bags. Many of these booksellers still aren't paid the living wage.". au peuple britannique de s'exprimer par référendum. I say this but I mean it when I do say it. Her first novel is a moving, magical parable about a young woman's journey of self-discovery and empowerment. As always, you get the last word: during your acceptance of the 2011 Children's Literature Legacy Award, you told the audience, "I am extremely humbled and totally grateful. Subscribe |
We're kicking off Virtual Book Clubs next month and we have been having Virtual Storytime every Saturday at 7 p.m. "We ask people to point and pick what they want, and we do a payment over the phone. The project, which is being co-financed by StudioCanal and Blueprint Pictures, is in development, with the latest version of the screenplay written by Jamie Minoprio and Jonathan Stern. Some examples from the web: I hope you and your family will be able to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning. Readings has been "inundated with orders," owner Mark Rubbo said in an e-mail to customers, and is trying to fill them in a timely manner. The email I sent dad last night said 'I hope your trip is going well'. 23.6k 4 4 gold badges 51 51 silver badges 85 85 bronze badges. Submission Guidelines |
I'm glad I am doing my part and keeping them safe. 'We Hope You Are Doing Well & Staying Safe' "I think I have said, 'I hope you are well and staying safe' about 800 times in the last week. ", "Our door has been locked for weeks, but we now need to stop curbside pickup and delivery in order to shelter-in-place," Odd Bird Books, Columbia, S.C., posted last Sunday. May you have good health, lots of happiness, and a great New Year. J'espère que tous se portent bien malgré le froid et l'abondance [...] de la neige. Thankfully, we implemented a 'closed to the public' operating model two weeks ago, meaning nothing has to change about the way we have been conducting business at this time--we are still able to fulfill your online and phone orders! Answer: “A/N: Thanks so much for caring! 20 "Hope You're Well" Alternatives 1) “I hope you’re having an A+ [week, month].” Eg, a supervisor at an office job, or a professor I don't know very well. Finally, there, the fish-man appears to her in a dream, too. But today we are facing challenges different than anything we have faced before. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents. You don’t know him or her personally. In whatever capacity we can, we need to be there for one another, now more than ever." Abandoned her. "I've received many emails asking how Pages Bookshop is doing and if we will survive this. "Whether it's supporting a small local shop or picking up some groceries for a neighbor in need while maintaining a healthy distance and washing and sanitizing our hands. I hope all of you are doing well, advancing in your endeavors after the summer. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "i hope you are doing well". les membres de vos groupes, communautés et familles. You went on to give us Mother Goose rhymes and Christmas songs and a world war seen through a child's eyes on 26 Fairmount Avenue (Putnam, 1999), a Newbery Honor book. No problem! going through a rough patch should be left to their own devices. Weeks earlier, on one of his infrequent calls to her while away on business in Tibet, he told her he had dreamt of a creature that was "barely a man" with the body of a fish. I hope all is well. ", A publisher expressed the need for "vocal support" and fundraising for Waterstones and WH Smith staff, noting that "it's shameful there hasn't been more support for our bookseller colleagues, who were working right up until public pressure--not pressure from the trade--pushed Daunt into closing. Italian. Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: English. At the urging of Eunice Holzart you wrote down a story about your bedridden great grandmother, which Barbara Lucas at Putnam read and led to Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs (Putnam, 1973). While used to physical distancing up in the hills, this mama worried how social distancing would exacerbate that isolation (ok, and kid BOREDOM). To say we are living in a crazy, uncertain time is an understatement. "Happy New Year 2021" . 'Can you put together a collection of 50 bags of activities and fun that we can safely distribute?' She experiences dreams where water runs through her bedroom, like "the surface of a deep sea, as if she was sitting on the edge of a ship watching the reflection of the starless sky in the water." Do you need to change your e-mail address or unsubscribe? They developed and are regularly updating a COVID-19 resource sheet. Gather 'round," High Five Books, Florence, Mass., noted. "Our website has all of our stock listed, you can browse everything there and place a click and collect order or phone ahead and set aside any books you'd like. You are welcome to request curbside delivery, or you may come into the store. and we should not enshrine such bigotry and prejudice, no matter how sincerely held. Italian. You were even named a Living Treasure in 1999 by the governor of New Hampshire, where you lived and worked in your 200-year-old converted barn, complete with ovens for baking your beloved bread. But the French Booksellers Association said indies should stay shut to protect the health of staff and customers, and that publishers should stop delivering to Amazon and supermarket groups.". Please can you tell me if the Aeolos has been damaged at all by the earthquake? In some cases, however, indies are finding a bit more clarity. Activity books, coloring pages, sequined slap bracelets, early readers for the littles, snacks that might make unsuspecting kids smile. You have given me and my work eternity." ", Dan Chartrand, owner of Water Street Bookstore, Exeter, N.H., informed "our diverse and vibrant community of readers" that the bookshop "has been advised that we will be allowed to continue operating using the non-public facing model we have developed since Monday 3/16. Video tours of the store? We hope you are doing well and staying safe (really, what else is there to say?)!". You and your family are very special. My kid and I delivered these Bags of Delight deep into Ashfield, to a farm where wily goats greeted us with bleats and bizarre stares. They decided to combine efforts and adopted the name COVID-19 Mutual Aid Group Phoenix Metro Area. I hope you are safe and well (COVID – 19) I hope you are safe and well (COVID – 19) David Liff blog April 1, 2020 | 0. Her husband left behind nothing but a crude sketch of a creature with a fish body and a man's head. But there have been lighter moments: chatting with my incredible mail person or video chatting with publishers to show them the absolute stacks of orders we're shipping every day to you all. J'espère que vous allez bien. Checking on the well-being of a friend or family member is entirely different than communicating with a colleague or business associate. Tomie dePaola, it is comforting to think of your warmth and faith and love of family, your Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs, your strength emanating from 26 Fairmont Avenue, carrying us forward in the days ahead. It has become just what I imagined five years ago. I hope you are all well and keeping safe? La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. The difference is that while “hope you are doing well” is a generic message, that you can say aloud or write on a letter or email, “I hope this email finds you well” is specifically for use in an e-mail message. "You can still order books through Instagram, Facebook, e-mail, or over the phone, and they will be delivered by USPS. I hope you and your families are doing well, staying safe, and following the necessary guidelines to protect yourself and your family. We also have to face the reality that getting individual orders in for specific books is taking longer due to the necessary safety slow downs in publisher and shipping warehouses. -We are ready to ship instantly everywhere in India with multiple and reliable courier options. Are the roads to the hotel clear? We’re here to support you. When I'm at a point where I need help, I'll let you know. Failed to honour the one thing he had promised her." E-books are taking up some of the slack, the Bookseller wrote, noting that the French Eden Books platform, owned by Madrigall--parent company of Gallimard and Flammarion--Media Participations and other publishers "is reporting a 100% increase in sales from the usual level, Dutilleul said. Kids workbooks? In a post titled "GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT," Sandra Deer, co-owner of the Little BOHO Bookshop, Bayonne, N.J., noted that the store "went dark amid COVID19 concerns" a week ago. Are there any problems with vehicles getting through to the hotel to deliver provisions? Our team at Athelhampton had been busy and working hard getting ready for the season, with exciting new features to show all our friends and visitors. I feel as if this is wrong. Non è a scelta . I’ve known you for many years but this is beyond friendship. Merchandise is also available to be shipped through our website. You ALL did so out of a generosity of spirit which moved you to want to support us during these truly uncharted times, and your kindness has MOVED us. Water Street Bookstore was closed to the public on 3/16 and only a minimum of bookstore staff operating in a safe and socially distant manner have been allowed in the bookstore since then. "It's hard to predict what the coming days and weeks will bring us, as the situation in and beyond BAYONNE continues to evolve. Hope You are doing well and safe!! About Us |
Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! We've also taken photos of the entire shop and put them on our website. It is important to have regular follow-up, visits with your neurologist to determine whether your physical examination and your MRI, Il importe d'avoir des visites de suivi régulières chez le neurologue afin d'évaluer votre état à, participate in the fight to prove you are the best trader and show a high level. We spray the counter and the doors throughout the day. de ses capacités et nous ne devrions pas conserver tant de bigoterie et de préjugés quel que soit leur degré de sincérité. These last two weeks have been a lesson in learning on the fly, accepting limitations and butt-busting.... "We are also scheming other ways to offer you connections to TSB. Because the "supply of overseas items has mostly stopped... we can only supply items that are available in our shops or in stock with local publishers." “I started with ‘Hope you’re keeping well and working from home comfortably’ because there was so much media noise about what it’s like to work from home for the first time. Owner Stephanie Csaszar reported, "We are staying afloat with offering no-contact door pickup, curbside pickup and home delivery within 15 minutes of our shop. Each and every one of you has built Pages into the community that it is. Peace be with you! People purchased a lot of books, mostly children's books and light reading, mainly fiction. I wanted to tell you that you are doing very well. Home |
Jasper Jasper. . We're still happy to offer up suggestions if you're unsure but we encourage everyone to be as speedy as possible in their decision making so that there's no congestion at the front door. Someone may say that a family letter has no such purpose, but consider this: a letter telling about the children seeks to promote a favourable impression of their welfare and happiness; a letter telling about illness is, On dira peut-être qu'il n'en est pas ainsi de la lettre de famille, mais à y bien penser : la lettre qui parle des enfants cherche à produire une impression favorable de leur bien-être et de leur bonheur ; la lettre qui informe d'une maladie veut s'acquérir la sympathie. What does safe and sound expression mean? ", Trident adds: "Feeling fancy? As the story moves toward its resolution, Jia Jia thinks "she had begun a story with the fish-man long ago, before she could remember, something that had pushed her off her axis, something that demanded an ending now.". I hope that you are well. Meilleurs hope you are doing well synonymes (phrases) sont take care, be safe et be well. "It looked like people were aware of the lockdown," he recalled. No pants? I have, however, added a Donate button on the Pages' website if you wish to support Pages with a donation at this time. As we look back on this past week we are humbled by your kindness, buoyed by continued support, but mostly.... we are thankful that you our customers, your families and friends are WELL. (pants optional).". Hope you’re well. Parris Wallace, director of operations for the Black Phoenix Organizing Collective, reached out to Magaña because Wallace and two other volunteers had established a similar Facebook page. In the Media |
4. du recrutement, de l'extension, du maintien de l'effectif. I've received cash flow help from GRDC, @americanbooksellers and various publishers. "I hope you and your family find some peace." Try this instead: First off, I hope that you and your family are staying safe during this time of uncertainty. Yeah it's been a long interval during lockdown now and glad to inform You that we are back to work with much better plans to serve your expectations. "We so appreciate your patience as we make adjustments to our processes. More than 4,100 members joined the group in less than two weeks. Hope you are doing as well as one can be amidst [gestures at state of the world.] Only then would I begin to ask about the thing I actually wanted. An update from Amato Painting. In fact I'd never write I hope you're well and not mean it and not expect them to tell me if they aren't. Initial responses to a survey by the Bookseller show that anxiety about health and finances, stress with juggling childcare, uncertainty for the future and job security were frequent concerns among book trade staffers working through the coronavirus crisis, though many of the nearly 150 respondents said remote working had made their teams more focused and creative. Can we still visit Kos town? What a week! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. Colleague or business associate pandemic, but not Tomie dePaola died yesterday at Dartmouth-Hitchcock! Five books, coloring Pages, sequined slap bracelets, early readers for littles... Might have felt intimidated by the earthquake portions for two onto your and! 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