Alternatively, if you’re absolutely dead set on getting Venti right from the start as a free-to-play roll then you might consider rerolling if you don’t get him after making your very first free Wishes. His wind elemental AoE attacks are superb, as is his ability to traverse the open world by propelling himself into the air. - Wallpaper Abyss - Page 2 Hemerukio 3 months ago #1. The banner you need to choose is called Ballad in Goblets. Genshin Impact is starting to get a wide array of five-star characters. Venti's Elemental Burst, Wind's Grand Ode, creates a vortex sucking in all the enemies around and dealing massive damage to all of them. | General Discussion & Friend Codes 2 [Potential Spoilers] A New Star Approaches - story thoughts & discussion 0 He's a bard who loves drinking wine, even though Paimon doesn't think he sings very well. Home » Guides » Genshin Impact: How to Get Venti. Venti - Genshin Impact Character One of the many bards of Mondstadt, who freely wanders the citys streets and alleys. Venti provides your team with the combination of crowd control and the ability to spread various elements from your teammates to the enemies thus dealing damage and reducing the targets’ resistance to these elements. Best Video Game Performances & Voice Acting of 2020, The Hardest One Piece Quiz You’ll Ever Take, IO Interactive Gives All the Hitman 3 Launch Details You Need to Know, Microsoft Flight Simulator Tweed New Haven Airport Add-On Released by Orbx, Apex Legends Has Brought Back King’s Canyon and Mirage Voyage, Genshin Impact Crimson Wish Explained: How to Unlock, What It Does, Reset Time, Genshin Impact Stones of Remembrance: How to Open the Nine Pillars, Genshin Impact: How to Unlock & Reach Peak of Vindagnyr, Genshin Impact: How to Get Chilled Meat & What It’s Used For. While there are 24 playable characters in Genshin Impact, only a select number will join your party as part of the game’s main storyline. Barbatos is the wind god, and one of The Seven, and he presides over Mondstadt. This is the special promotional character banner that offers a higher chance of pulling Venti than the standard banner (50% if you haven’t pulled a 5-Star after 89 Wishes). However, there's more to Venti than meets the eye. Venti, one of the 5-star grade characters in the Genshin Impact game, belongs to the support role and possesses great base stats, abilities, and talents. When Genshin Impact first launched, Venti was a 5-star character with his own Banner in the game's gacha-pull Wish system. You will have some free currency at the beginning of the game, but if you don’t have enough then you will have to purchase more with Primogems. You can read more about the process here. Genshin Impact It is one of the games that has been a revelation for the current generation. As we’ve mentioned in our best characters guide, Venti is one of Genshin Impact’s high tier characters as of the meta right now. This gives Venti a vital role within the main story, and it's one of the many reasons why fans love him so much. Venti is a playable Anemo character in Genshin Impact. It appears there is more than meets the eye to the half-witted bard. Ultimate's Next DLC Fighters May Already Be Known, Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About Venti, Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About Mona. Though, the thing that sets Venti apart from other five-star characters is the availability. The main storyline also spends plenty of time with Venti, a fact that may endear some players to him over time. Genshin Impact: When Is Dainsleif Going To Be Playable? Related: Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About Mona When Genshin Impact first launched, Venti was a 5-star character with his own Banner in the game's gacha-pull Wish system. Venti Genshin Impact Live Wallpaper for your desktop pc & mobile phone - Keywords: Animated Wallpaper, Free Download, Wallpaper Engine. Early in the story, he is trying to restore Dvalin, the dragon who was corrupted by the Abyss Order, and players help him on his quest. Most characters, especially the four and five star ones, can only be acquired through either making Wishes or by purchasing them from Paimon’s Deals at the Shop. is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. by Kaiuiu. Au where only … Venti is one of the most popular playable characters in the entire game. Venti is a playable character which controls the wind to emerge victorious against his enemies. While Venti interacts with many factions in Genshin Impact, he's most closely aligned to the Knights of Favonius, the protectors of Mondstadt. - Venti Genshin Impact Character overview, view stats, builds and more. Learn best domain and exploration team / party, team setup & composition, team bonus skill, team build tips. The game presented a fresh air for the already spent MMORPG that presented the same characteristics in all deliveries.. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching, and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources. Super Smash Bros. Venti is a powerful five star character in Genshin Impact, with the bow-wielding hero one of the best party members around. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Venti , what stats are best ?" - Page 2. Perhaps because of these factors, Venti quickly became one of the most popular characters in all of Genshin Impact. However, there's more to this bard than first meets the eye. 65 Venti (Genshin Impact) HD Wallpapers and Background Images. Also bringing her young mind and fresh perspective to a stuffy tradition, Xianling is all about enjoying what you enjoy. In Genshin Impact, players meet up with Venti in the earliest parts of the main story, which takes place in the kingdom of Mondstadt. Genshin Impact Venti Support Build Guide. One of the many bards of Mondstadt, who freely wanders the citys streets and alleys. 5 out of 5 stars (325) 325 reviews. He is one of the main characters players meet upon first starting their adventure, and he was also one of the first 5-star Banner characters to ever appear. He loves Dragon Quest (obviously), JRPGs (obviously), and old wooden ships. Wounds have healed, but the peace that should have fallen over the city of wind, Mondstadt, did not arrive. Genshin Impact offers 24 characters for players to put in their party, with Venti one of the most sought after heroes for the hit free-to-play game. A one-stop shop for all things video games. In terms of how you actually go about getting him, just as with other five star characters you’ll have to keep your fingers crossed that you get him as a Wish reward. Genshin Impact; Is Venti good as a main DPS? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Genshin Impact also rewards players with free currency for doing a … The devastation that once swept the land has finally ceased. There are a lot of playable characters in Genshin Impact, and the roster just continues getting bigger. Venti is one of the many five-star characters in Genshin Impact that was introduced at the launch. Buy Genshin Impact Venti Accounts Sing songs of tales with one of the bards of Mondstandt by getting a Genshin Impact Venti account for sale from sellers! As we’ve mentioned in our best characters guide, Venti is one of Genshin Impact’s high tier characters as of the meta right now. 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Venti is a character in Mondstadt of Genshin Impact. Table Of Contents. The vortex is able to absorb power from four other Elements, dealing additional damage of that Element to the enemies trapped inside. The game already has a wide catalog of characters that we can use to develop our adventure within the magical world of Teyvat and that also continues to expand. 5 Welcome to Teyvat! Venti is an Ameno user with a bow, which means he uses wind and rapid ranged attacks in combat. It’s the second option on the Wish menu. User Info: Hemerukio. Venti is the wine-loving bard in Mondstadt who will share you his stories and maybe even sing for you, if you buy him some wine. | General Discussion & Friend Codes 2 [Potential Spoilers] A New Star Approaches - story thoughts & discussion 0 Related: Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About Mona. 65 Venti (Genshin Impact) HD Wallpapers and Background Images. It takes 30-45 minutes per reroll. The best character builds for Venti focus on Elemental Damage and ATK stats, and he often tops fans' tier lists for the best characters in the game. For more on the game, check out our dedicated guide wiki. Venti is a timed-exclusive character that was available only during the Ballad in Goblets banner. Genshin Impact debuts a banner later today with an entirely new character to collect, which means that the old promotion featuring Venti, one of the best options in the game, has concluded.While the Venti campaign had been going on since launch, plenty of people never got the green lyre musician despite spending money specifically for that purpose. Xiangling is Genshin Impact's culinary prodigy. The characters in Genshin Impact are measured by rarity. Genshin Impact Character/Team show-off! is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. I don't have very many good DPS, but my main team right now is Traveler, Venti, Beidou and Barbara. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Here’s how to get Venti in Genshin Impact. The domineering Fatui have risen up in the name of "defense" to oppress other city-states. Genshin Impact Character/Team show-off! As both a playable character and a god in human form, Venti is pretty unique. In the case of the Ballad in Goblets banner, its Intertwined Fate. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Venti shows her that gods exist. - Wallpaper Abyss There are many characters which are very rare, but today we will focus on Venti. Venti is one of the most popular playable characters in Genshin Impact. You can read more on the game’s pity system if you want to learn more about drop rate percentages. Venti is a tier S character with anemo element, and use bow as the weapon. You can make individual Wishes or purchase a batch of 10, which costs either x1 or x10 Intertwined Fate. He also played an important role during the main story that takes place in Mondstadt. This guide is far from newbie friendly. Genshin Impact: Best Artifacts for Venti Venti is an awesome character that offers crowd control and damage boost to your team. Though I have considered switching out Beidou for Fischl who I have at her second constellation right now. ... Venti: Team Strong Points - +25% attack power with Klee & Diluc's elemental resonance - Great at both boss and group battles Although Venti's story in Genshin Impact appears finished for now, the bard will most likely appear again in a future update. With the right weapon and artifact, she can truly shine and help you in all sorts of game modes. Secured trading platform: Buy & Sell Genshin Impact Start Accounts & Own Draws Account and Five star character Like : (Genshin Impact Venti,Genshin Impact Keqing,Genshin Impact Diluc,Genshin Impact Jean,Genshin Impact Qiqi,Genshin Impact Mona) Best … However, it's soon apparent that Venti's background is more mysterious than players may initially realize. Even though Venti is only playable through the Wish system, players interact with him a lot in the main story. Here's everything you need to know about the mysterious Anemo bard. 5 Welcome to Teyvat! A = Ascension (A1 = lvl 20+, A4 = lvl 60+) EM: Elemental Mastery. At the young age of 14 years old, Xianling is the waitress and head chef of the family business, Wanmin Restaurant. However, he still remains one of the most popular characters in the entire game. Rarity can be measured from one to five, with one being common, while five being very rare. Next: Genshin Impact: When Is Dainsleif Going To Be Playable? He also played an important role during the main story that takes place in Mondstadt. Check Best Team Comp - Strongest Team Build Guide for Genshin Impact. C = Constellation. Perhaps because of these factors, Venti quickly became one of the most popular characters in all of Genshin Impact. But as a basic overview, Wishes are the gacha mechanic in Genshin Impact that you’ll unlock after reaching Adventure Rank 5 and speaking with the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt. I’m not going to explain the basic gameplay, I’m going for what you gain by leveling and constellations, builds and synergies. Luckily, Mihoyo has done a stellar job at ensuring that every character has their own distinct personality. If you don’t want to wait, you buy the premium Genesis Crystal currency from the Shop and then in turn convert them to Primogems. Each character in the game is unique from one another, they are different when it comes to the element they harness, the weapon that they use, their appearance, stats, strengths, weaknesses, and many more A Oneshot of Genshin impact, where the (Y/N) , who does not believe in any god meet's Venti in Mondstadt. Genshin Impact Venti Cosplay Costume Archons Cosplay Costume Halloween Adult Costume MINGCOSTUME. Make individual Wishes or purchase a batch of 10, which costs either x1 or x10 Intertwined Fate 's! A playable character and a god in human form, Venti was a 5-star character Anemo... During the main story that takes place in Mondstadt of Genshin Impact: When is Dainsleif Going Be... And use bow as the weapon download, Wallpaper Engine are a lot of playable characters in Impact! Exploration team / party, team bonus skill, team bonus skill, team setup composition... Wooden ships make Wishes you need to choose is called Ballad in Goblets banner drinking,! 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