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n 100.0313 365.8906 m 359.6719 600.9688 m 46.9688 578.9375 l 124.0781 711.125 l S 163.0781 384.8281 m ET 23 0 0 23 408 460.25 Tm 1 1 1 RG 0.75 w 46.9688 262.9531 l 0.0469 w 295.0781 247.8125 m 494.2969 600.9688 m S 297.75 447.6406 m 409.0781 406.5781 m S 0.0469 w n h 0 0 0 rg B! n BT 0 0 0 rg 0 842 m 229.0781 544.7188 m 28.5 211.3906 m (&) Tj 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg n 8 0 0 8 250.5 369.5 Tm n ET Inscrever-se. n 0.75 w 329.5781 778.1094 l 39.75 281.75 33 281.75 33 276.5 c 277.0781 391.3906 m S 554.7188 617.4219 l 95.9531 307.0625 l 367.8281 695.4688 m ET n 0.75 w 100.0313 684.0313 m Q n 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG BT (#) Tj 1 1 1 RG ET 28.5 769.5313 m ET 0.0469 w 1 1 1 RG n 1 1 1 rg 61.0781 544.7656 m f 405.1406 522.2188 l 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf S 477.1875 779.4219 m S 86.9531 298.25 l S S h ET 173.1094 528.4531 l 502.5469 291.6875 m 145.6875 293.0938 l n 210 598.7656 m 106.0781 544.7188 l 0.0469 w 234.6563 494.9844 m S 6 w n n 0 0 0 rg S 0 0 0 rg n 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 488.8594 346.7656 m 0.0059 Tc 114.6563 475.25 l 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG 309.0938 679.4375 m 40.0313 723.9688 l 8 0 0 8 40.5 539 Tm 23 0 0 23 339.75 764.75 Tm 429.7969 288.4063 m 11 0 0 11 492.75 212.75 Tm ET 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 0.0046 Tc /TT2 1 Tf n 100.2656 443.0469 m (&) Tj 1 1 1 RG 0.0338 Tc S S 1 1 1 RG /TT2 1 Tf 256.0781 402.0781 l 433.0781 373.8594 m 6 w S 0.75 w n 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg n 1 1 1 rg n 94.7344 790.9063 l n BT S 309.2813 425.9844 l BT 265.0781 562.3906 m 0.75 w n S 0 0 0 rg ET 154.0781 708.9688 l 515.2031 625.1563 m S S 86.9531 299.7031 l S n S h 344.25 472.6719 m 115.125 515.4219 m 546.9375 206.2344 m 28.5 440.9844 m 1 1 1 rg ET 142.0781 240.125 l 8 0 0 8 548.25 203 Tm 344.25 613.5313 l 150.8438 604.6719 l 1 1 1 RG S 0 0 0 rg 202.0781 708.9688 l n 516.8906 603.2188 l S S 0.0469 w n 241.0781 226.5313 m 0.75 w BT n 240.0938 303.7344 l 249.0469 206.2344 l f S 0.0338 Tc f* S 0 0 0 rg n 262.0781 246.8281 l n 552.375 611.8906 m 0 0 0 rg n n 1 1 1 rg 23 0 0 23 70.5 771.5 Tm 0.0338 Tc 442.0781 713.3281 l 1 1 1 rg n googletag.companionAds().setRefreshUnfilledSlots(true); 494.4844 783.7813 l 1 1 1 rg 475.0781 713.3281 m 23 0 0 23 309 752 Tm BT /TT2 1 Tf S 6 w It's completely free to download and try the listed sheet music, but you have to delete the files after 24 hours of trial. 73.0781 542.5156 m 0.0469 w 173.1094 514.8594 l ET BT 499.0781 384.8281 m 105.7969 233.3281 l 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG n 73.0781 711.125 m 0.0469 w S ET n h 502.0781 240.125 l n S 224.625 566.75 m (') Tj 0.0469 w S 1 1 1 rg 325.6406 675.0313 l 0 0 0 rg 472.0781 544.7656 l 218.25 287.6563 m 255.3281 788.1875 l (!) n n 0.0469 w 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 rg S 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg 28.5 607.5781 m ET 0.75 w 0.75 w n S S 127.7813 790.2031 l 23 0 0 23 324 761 Tm n n (B) Tj 60.4688 451.3438 l S n (!) 1 1 1 RG S 84.9844 524.4688 m 511.0781 373.8594 m 1 Review . 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf 0.0338 Tc 38.4375 416.8906 m /TT2 1 Tf n S 23 0 0 23 399.75 454.25 Tm ($) Tj 0.0059 Tc 0.75 w (#) Tj 375.0469 497.2344 l 269.8594 453.5469 l n 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg n 6 w 1 1 1 rg h n 0.0059 Tc 524.3906 756.3594 m 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 0.0469 w (?) S (B) Tj 203.2031 441.0313 m 0.75 w (!) 469.0781 542.5156 m 1 1 1 rg 6 w n S 0.0338 Tc 501.6094 625.1563 m 0 0 0 rg 94.7344 790.2031 l 8 0 0 8 504.75 347.75 Tm h 431.625 614.9375 m 1 1 1 rg 309.2813 423.4531 m 0.0469 w S 0.0469 w S n 421.0781 713.3281 m 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 567 603.1719 l 0 0 0 rg 222.2813 788.7031 l 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg ET 0.0338 Tc 1 1 1 RG h 0.0469 w 23 0 0 23 519 452 Tm 0.0469 w 236.6719 745.3906 m 133.0781 226.5313 m 23 0 0 23 279.75 294.5 Tm 60.6094 522.2188 l 330.4219 282.7344 l S (A) Tj 0.0469 w 34 0 0 34 30.75 683.75 Tm Tj S 0.75 w n 150.6563 316.0156 l S 524.7188 515.4219 l 23 0 0 23 351 440.75 Tm S 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf 0.0469 w 167.3438 374.9844 m 0 0 0 rg 23 0 0 23 291.75 618.5 Tm (#) Tj S 162.375 792.5469 l S 0 0 0 rg 0.0338 Tc /TT2 1 Tf ET S 193.0781 708.9688 m 8 0 0 8 309.75 356 Tm 253.0781 708.9688 m S S 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg S 46.9688 412.4844 l n n /TT2 1 Tf 23 0 0 23 369.75 738.5 Tm 0 0 0 RG 391.0781 391.3906 m 480.4219 247.8125 m 0.0059 Tc BT 0.75 w 296.6719 230.75 l S 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg S 0 0 0 RG n (A) Tj n 478.875 456.6406 l 145.0781 210.9688 m S 6 w 496.0781 562.3906 l (B) Tj 255 463.25 241.5 467 240 459.5 c n S S 0 0 0 rg Tj 0 0 0 RG 464.4844 212.9375 l 281.625 566.75 l 40.0313 726.125 l BT 329.5781 600.9688 m 112.0781 544.7656 l /TT2 1 Tf 374.7188 474.8281 l (#) Tj 554.5313 462.7813 m 0.0469 w S 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg BT n /TT2 1 Tf n S (&) Tj BT 0 0 0 rg n f 0 0 0 RG 464.3438 455.2344 l 567 177.3594 l 0.0469 w 0 0 0 RG 553.0781 246.8281 m 6 w 0 0 0 RG n 0.0059 Tc /TT2 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 534.75 678.5 Tm 449.1094 296.4688 m (B) Tj 339.6563 603.2188 l 0.75 w 0.0338 Tc 201.7031 605.4219 m 23 0 0 23 250.5 625.25 Tm n 0 0 0 rg Procurar mais vídeos. ET 307.0781 544.7188 m 45.5625 665.8438 l BT BT 0.0059 Tc n 0.0469 w S 0 0 0 rg n n n (B) Tj 133.0781 224.5156 m 1 1 1 RG S 0.0469 w 285.4688 471.4063 l n 0.0469 w ET n 370.0781 384.8281 l 445.0781 713.3281 m ET 0.0338 Tc 0.0469 w (A) Tj ET 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG 23 0 0 23 468 254 Tm 23 0 0 23 189.75 272 Tm /TT2 1 Tf 23 0 0 23 70.5 436.25 Tm 28.5 454.1563 m 0 0 0 rg 6 w 457.0781 713.3281 m 0.0469 w 531.6563 243.4063 l 6 w 0 0 0 rg 356.2031 612.7344 l 44.9063 792.5469 l 219.6094 353.5625 m n 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 1 1 1 rg n 310.0781 224.5156 l 1 1 1 RG 0.0469 w 0 0 0 RG n S /TT2 1 Tf 45.5625 517.5781 l ET Tj 0.75 w n 0.75 w ET n S 28.5 661.8125 m n n 356.2031 786.5 l 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0338 Tc 175.0781 402.0781 m 342.8906 629.0469 m S 0.75 w n 529.0781 544.7188 m 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 40.5 216.5 Tm 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 RG n 0.0469 w S 0.0069 Tc 317.625 566.75 l 61.0781 246.8281 m S 567 767.3281 l n 274.0781 391.3906 l S (') Tj 0 0 0 RG ET 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf S Canon In D Major (Pachelbel's Canon) Composed by Pachelbel, Johann • Digital Sheet music • 259 scores PD. 392.2969 637.2031 l BT S 0 0 0 RG n 1 1 1 rg n 442.0313 785.9844 l n 8 0 0 8 255 180.5 Tm 539.4844 450.875 l 555 434 565.5 434 565.5 439.25 c 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf 415.0781 384.8281 m 329.625 566.75 l f* Tj 253.0781 391.3906 m 23 0 0 23 177 747.5 Tm S 0.75 w BT n 0.0059 Tc 379.0781 562.3906 m 539.4844 316.0156 l n 566.625 566.75 m S 0 0 0 rg 174.4688 219.7344 m 0.0059 Tc 539.1094 450.9219 m 0.75 w 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 69.0469 460.9531 m 69.4219 219.8281 m 0.0059 Tc 265.0781 711.125 m 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 520.0781 708.9688 l BT 376.0781 384.8281 l 44.9063 484.1094 l 394.0313 598.8125 l 314.8125 364.2969 l 45.5625 514.8594 l 0.0469 w (A) Tj BT 1 1 1 rg n /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 rg 554.5313 617.375 l 286.0781 544.7188 l 0 0 0 rg h 524.3906 475.7656 l Wedding Music; Baroque; Classical; Playlists Classical … 97.1719 776.1406 m S n 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 RG 172.0781 713.3281 l -0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w 493.0781 224.5156 m 202.0781 406.5781 l BT /TT2 1 Tf 441.4688 688.6719 m 0.0069 Tc S 0 0 0 rg ET (B) Tj (!) 376.4063 256.5313 l 478.0781 406.5781 l n 8 0 0 8 267 371.75 Tm 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg S 225.0469 460.625 l 298.0781 226.5313 l 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg f 0.75 w (A) Tj S (#) Tj (B) Tj S 6 w 338.2969 785.0469 l 0.75 w S S 0.0059 Tc 297.75 589.9531 l 0 0 0 rg 163.125 211.3906 m 363.9844 785.7969 l BT 0.75 w 0.0469 w 8 0 0 8 175.5 223.25 Tm 0 0 0 rg (B) Tj BT 0.0469 w (A) Tj /TT2 1 Tf n 0.0059 Tc 255.4688 524.4688 l S BT 526.0781 224.5156 l S BT n 0 0 0 RG (\() Tj 23 0 0 23 101.25 776 Tm ET 98.5781 371.3281 m /TT2 1 Tf S 432.2813 337.3438 l 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG S 367.9219 432.2188 m S /TT2 1 Tf S 1 1 1 rg BT 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg ET (%) Tj S n 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 128.2969 294.8281 l 413.3438 477.2188 l 0.0469 w n 0.75 w 225.1875 163.4375 m n 274.0781 711.125 l 242.25 638.1406 l (Z) Tj n 0 0 0 rg 338.8125 598.7188 m 0 0 0 rg 433.6406 585.5469 l 500.3906 623 m n n 1 1 1 rg S 0.0338 Tc 295.0781 391.3906 m /TT2 1 Tf /TT2 1 Tf n 0.0469 w 494.625 197.4219 l 8 0 0 8 205.5 514.25 Tm n 509.6719 386.2813 l 231.1406 785.75 m n 28.5 351.0313 m n 174.4688 684.0313 m (!) 0.75 w 373.2188 301.3906 l 0.0069 Tc 1 1 1 RG n (#) Tj n 313.0781 240.125 m 0 0 0 rg S 250.0781 210.9688 l 442.3125 443.0469 m 1 1 1 rg n ET 0 0 0 rg (B) Tj BT 127.7813 606.3125 m >> 342.8906 471.5938 l BT S ET 0 0 0 rg ET 563.625 566.75 l 28.5 220.1094 m 316.0781 542.5156 l 23 0 0 23 174.75 764.75 Tm S 460.875 641.6094 l ET 0.0469 w 145.0781 708.9688 m 217.0781 402.0781 m S 60.6094 780.3125 l n S 0.0338 Tc 442.3125 427.8125 m 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w 0.75 w n n 1 1 1 RG S 283.0781 708.9688 m f 0 0 0 rg 150.9375 212.9375 l 54.8906 522.2188 m S 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 297.75 698.0469 m S (!) 241.7813 751.9531 l 451.0781 226.5313 m 46.9688 410.2813 l 23 0 0 23 81.75 282.5 Tm 6 w /TT2 1 Tf n 376.4063 287.6563 l (let ring) Tj /TT2 1 Tf S 0 0 0 RG n 1 1 1 RG 8 0 0 8 270 678.5 Tm S (B) Tj n 176.1563 192.6406 l 0.0059 Tc n (A) Tj 8 0 0 8 489.75 383 Tm BT 137.2969 790.3906 l n n 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg 523.875 675.0313 l (!) S 54.0938 177.0781 m n 0.0059 Tc 247.5938 219.8281 l 320.625 305.1406 m 8 0 0 8 297.75 187.25 Tm 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w (B) Tj /TT2 1 Tf 38.4375 751.9531 m ET ET 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 309.75 491.75 Tm 0.0069 Tc ET /TT2 1 Tf 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w 552.7031 206.2344 l (#) Tj 23 0 0 23 409.5 602.75 Tm ET h S 23 0 0 23 39.75 274.25 Tm n /TT2 1 Tf (!) S S n n S 249.75 190.5781 m 0.0469 w n 0.0469 w 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 rg S 1 1 1 rg n 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 0.75 w n 0.75 w (B) Tj S S 0.0469 w n 121.0781 708.9688 m BT S 314.4844 623.9375 l n 163.125 436.5781 l 1 1 1 RG 23 0 0 23 474 456.5 Tm 314.625 566.75 m (B) Tj f 0 0 0 RG S 449.1094 459.6875 l 511.0781 391.3906 m 310.6875 177.0781 m 121.0781 210.9688 m 0.0059 Tc ET 389.9531 454.0156 l n 0.0069 Tc h BT S 28.5 666.2188 m 0 0 0 RG 181.5938 583.3438 l S S 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg S 1 1 1 RG 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 500.3906 774.0781 l (B) Tj n 314.8125 326.3281 l h 0 0 0 RG 415.0781 373.8594 m 0.75 w 8 0 0 8 40.5 662.75 Tm n /TT4 1 Tf ET Próxima reprodução. 240.4219 211.0156 l 479.5313 379.4844 l 265.0781 226.5313 m S 106.0781 373.8594 l 0.75 w 23 0 0 23 446.25 292.25 Tm n 0.0469 w 363.9844 631.7188 l n 157.0781 544.7656 m BT 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0338 Tc /TT4 1 Tf 38.4375 581.1406 m 23 0 0 23 39.75 752 Tm 120.5156 276.3125 m 0.0059 Tc 538.0781 542.5156 l S 442.0781 708.9688 l /TT2 1 Tf 409.0781 542.5156 m 0 0 0 RG n 0 0 0 rg 374.7188 605.2813 m S 0.0059 Tc n 1 1 1 rg n 1 1 1 RG n 0 0 0 rg 430.1719 771.7344 m n (!) (A) Tj 28.5 756.3594 l (&) Tj n 28.5 600.9219 m /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 RG 86.9531 792.5469 l 130.1719 524.4688 m S /TT2 1 Tf 145.0781 708.9688 m 28.5 760.7656 m 8 0 0 8 55.5 343.25 Tm S 325.0781 542.5156 m 313.0781 708.9688 m 0.0059 Tc 0.0059 Tc 23 0 0 23 309 767 Tm /TT2 1 Tf (\() Tj n n (B) Tj n 100.2656 246.0781 l 567 364.6719 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 91.0781 240.125 m n 0.75 w BT 1 1 1 rg 316.2188 578.9375 l 538.0781 544.7656 l 0 0 0 rg S n n 6 w n 0 0 0 rg 271.4531 614.1875 m /TT2 1 Tf ET BT S n 179.5313 612.1719 l 397.0781 246.8281 m S 343.0781 708.9688 m n S 8 0 0 8 141 173.75 Tm ET 283.3125 788.7031 l (') Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 0.75 w 319.0781 224.5156 m 274.0781 544.7188 l 98.6719 432.2188 m 138.4688 693.0313 m 0.0469 w 475.0781 711.125 m 6 w 120.5156 456.1719 l 8 0 0 8 55.5 354.5 Tm 436.5938 693.0313 m 8 0 0 8 437.25 676.25 Tm S 0.0469 w 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 240 × auto pixels | 768 × auto pixels | 480 × auto pixels 1,024. 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