HIGH NAILING ABOVE THE NAIL LINE CAN VOID IKO’S LIMITED WARRANTY. Para UltraHP de IKO, siga las instrucciones en la caja. PASO 5: APLIQUE MOLDURA ANTIGOTEO EN LOS BORDES A DOS AGUAS: Aplique el borde metálico de goteo sobre cualquier membrana impermeabilizante a lo largo de los bordes de la viga inclinada, espaciando los clavos aproximadamente a 12” de distancia. Architectural Shingles. One layer of shingles actually crosses the valley beneath the other. Assurez-vous de n’enfoncer aucun clou à moins de 2 po d’un joint ou d’une découpe du rang sous-jacent. They are referred to as composition or architectural shingles. NOTE: IKO recommends the use of eave protection in all situations, however, if no ice and water protector is required by your local code or standard, then alternately apply first course of underlayment overhanging the eaves by 1/4″ to 3/4″. NOTE: Not all products featured will be available in your area. Continúe con cada hilera en todo el techo, dejando sueltos los bordes de las tejas enteras. Alternatively, apply IKO EdgeSeal as directed by EdgeSeal application instructions. Complete las hileras iniciales de alero y borde a dos aguas con las tejas de tamaño completo, de manera que sobresalgan entre 1/4″ a 3/4″, y ajuste con cuatro clavos por teja. Nail … NAILING ON STEEP SLOPES/HIGH WIND AREAS: For high wind areas or on slopes of 21:12 (60°) or more, use six nails per shingle placed as shown below. In summary, during the installation of a closed-cut valley, you install the first roof plane’s shingles into the valley. NOTE: SHINGLES APPLIED ACCORDING TO THESE INSTRUCTIONS ON SLOPES 3:12 TO 4:12 WILL BE WARRANTED FOR THE FULL WARRANTY TERM. Jednakże, jeśli lokalny kodeks lub standard nie wymaga żadnego ochraniacza przed lodem i wodą, wówczas należy zamiast tego nałożyć pierwszą warstwę podkładu zwisającą nad okapem na długość 1/4 cala do 3/4 cala. Aby zakwalifikować się do klasyfikacji ognioodporności ASTM E108/UL790 klasy A lub klasy, która może być wymagana zgodnie z lokalnym kodeksem budowlanym, należy nałożyć jedną warstwę podkładu na całe poszycie. Woven valleys are suitable for three-tab shingles as their single-layer construction allows them to be woven together and overlapped more easily. Also, as all valley flashing metal is galvanized, it isn’t susceptible to losing its integrity under running water. Built to withstand the elements, IKO Crowne Slate shingles are engineered to hold up against the extreme temperatures found here in Ottawa, Ontario. After the first shingle in the course is installed, continue with full length shingles to complete the first course, trimming the last shingle so that it matches the overhang of the starter course below. IKO Architectural Shingles. Special granules have been embedded in each Cambridge shingle, providing them long-lasting algae resistance. IKO manufactures products for specific areas in North America. PASO 12: INSTALE LA QUINTA HILERA Y LAS SUBSIGUIENTES: Repita la secuencia de las primeras cuatro hileras del techo. Shingles need to be hand-sealed if the weather is cold. Architectural shingles add texture and a three-dimensional appearance to a roof. The two architectural shingles by IKO are called Cambridge and Cambridge Cool Colors. Some homeowners prefer the consistent look that a woven valley provides. CLOUAGE SUR UN TOIT À PENTE RAIDE/EN RÉGION VENTEUSE : Dans les régions soumises à de grands vents, sur une pente de 21:12 (60°) ou plus, utilisez 6 clous par bardeau, aux endroits illustrés ci-dessous. Then, consider the aesthetic of the flashing. Uwaga: Mogą być stosowane offsety 6-10 cali. ÉTAPE 4 : SOUS-COUCHE : Installez soit une sous-couche de feutre imprégné d’asphalte, soit une sous-couche synthétique comme la membrane StormtiteMC de IKO, en la déroulant horizontalement et en faisant se chevaucher les rangs de 2 po et les bouts de 4 po. To ensure coverage under the High Wind Resistance Limited Warranty: Starter strip shingles must be used at all eaves and rakes. De plus, la pose de nos bardeaux de toiture directement sur le support structural (gypse, béton clouable ou produits similaires), sans notre autorisation préalable, annulera la garantie. Corte la primera teja inicial por la mitad. Built-in Algae resistance. For IKO UltraHP, follow the instructions on the box. Alternately, apply a single layer of ice and water protector over the entire deck per manufacturer’s instructions. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as you may need to adjust the application according to the slope of your roof. QUANT À CEUX INSTALLÉS SUR UNE PENTE DE 2:12 À 3:12, ILS SERONT GARANTIS PENDANT 12 ANS. Centre una tira ancha de 36” de protector contra hielo y agua en el vértice y luego ajuste los bordes con los clavos suficientes para mantenerla en su lugar. When assessing the cost implications given the choice between IKO shingles vs. GAF shingles, it’s notable that the latter is more expensive. STEP 13: MANUALLY SEAL SHINGLES (IF NEEDED): Shingles should seal to the underlying course when the factory applied asphalt sealant is sufficiently warmed by the heat of direct sunlight. Al momento de la colocación, selle todas las tejas con tres puntos de 1″ de diámetro con cemento para techos aplicado debajo de la teja, 2″ sobre el borde inferior y con igual separación a lo largo de la teja. Architectural shingles are less expensive than slate and shake shingles, but they’re more expensive than 3-tab shingles. When considering how to shingle a valley with architectural shingles, you must take into account their thickness and reduced flexibility. Przeciąć pierwszy gont startowy na połowę. Estos desplazamientos alternativos no afectarán de manera adversa las disposiciones vigentes de la Garantía limitada de IKO pero, en algunas circunstancias, pueden dar como resultado acabados poco estéticos. Kiedy gonty są nakładane, nałożyć je na blachę kosza, przyciąć końce gontów do linii kredowej i odciąć z wierzchołka przyciętego wcześniej gontu trójkąt o bokach 2-calowych, aby skierować wodę do środka kosza (A). The first step is to install the starter strip, which is generally bought pre-cut according to dimensions of the roof. To start the process, you need to first get a copy or permit of the local building code for roofing in your area. En partant du coin gauche du toit, commencez le rang inférieur le long de l’avant-toit en plaçant l’une des moitiés de bardeau, granulat vers le haut et bandes adhésives vers l’avant-toit. Como alternativa, aplique una capa única de protector de hielo y agua contra hielo y agua sobre toda la plataforma conforme a las instrucciones del fabricante. Dans l’état de la Floride, le scellement manuel n’est pas exigé. If repairs are needed, the contractor has to remove and then reweave multiple shingles to replace a single one. Corte la lámina para que se ajuste a la hilera final en el pico. The industry’s first ‘architectural-style strip, Patriot is a single-layered asphalt shingle that uses CertainTeed’s advanced color technology to mimic the depth of multi-layered architectural shingles. We'll let them know where to find this page. UN CLOUAGE TROP HAUT SUR LES BARDEAUX, DONC DANS UNE SEULE ÉPAISSEUR, PEUT ANNULER LA GARANTIE LIMITÉE DE IKO. By using this website you accept our use of cookies and the. The two architectural shingles by IKO are called Cambridge and Cambridge Cool Colors. STEP 11: INSTALL THE SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH COURSES: Trim off 10″, 20″, and 30″ respectively, from the left end of the starting shingle and apply to overhang rake edge by 1/4″ to 3/4″. The information on this website is subject to change without notice. If you are thinking of installing shingles on your roof, then you should think of installing architectural shingles, as these can provide a great look to your roof and exterior. PASO 9: INSTALE LA PRIMERA HILERA: Comience con la colocación de una teja de tamaño completo en una hilera inicial sobre el borde a dos aguas y el alero. Get A Quote ; Google Plus; Facebook; Yelp; Thumbtack; Youtube; Home; Roofing. To find a local roofer in your area, please visit our Contractor Locator page. This is a must-read for professional roofers! How to Shingle a Roof With Architectural Shingles. Additionally, the National Roofing Contractors Association explains that low-slope roofs are good candidates for open valleys because they are more likely to accumulate debris. Installing architectural roof shingles takes time, but doing it yourself can help you save money in hiring a roofer who will do the installation. IKO designer roof shingles cost around $4 to $6 per square foot installed, or $8,000 to $12,000 for a 2,000 square foot roof. FAIBLE PENTE : Sur un toit dont la pente se situe entre 2:12 et 4:12, appliquez la sous-couche en faisant se chevaucher les rangs de 19 po et les bouts de 4 po. Beginning at the left corner of the roof, start the eaves course by positioning one of the halves granule side up with the sealant adjacent to the eaves. To achieve a woven valley installation, a roofing professional lays shingles in the valley and weaves them together. While architectural shingles may cost more than Traditional 3-Tab shingles, it is important to remember that Installing a skylight in a safe and proper manner is above the average do-it-yourselfer level. Cambridge tiene una exposición de 5-7/8″. SHINGLES ON SLOPES LESS THAN 3:12 DOWN TO 2:12 WILL BE WARRANTED FOR 12 YEARS. Unlike cedar, these shingles are fire retardant. A proper valley installation is a critical component of any roof, ensuring the long-term protection of this vulnerable area. Les bardeaux de départ doivent déborder de l’avant-toit et de la rive latérale de 1/4 à 3/4 po. Centrez ensuite sur la noue une garniture de noue métallique pré-finie ou galvanisée de calibre 28 ou plus, et clouez-en les bords suffisamment pour la maintenir en place. If you want to find the best roofing contractors who can install IKO Royal Estate Shingles, then you will need to contact Clear View Exteriors LLC to have a free estimate for your roofing needs. Metal sheds ice and water faster than shingles, reducing the risk of ice dams and blockages of debris. Cambridge laminated architectural shingles are IKO’s most popular and affordable product among homeowners and roofing contractors. "Defective inferior shingle" Defective Shingles and Terrible customer service. Cuando las condiciones climáticas, como las temperaturas frías, los vientos fuertes o los vientos con polvillo, limitan la eficacia de la tira de sellador, aplique manualmente el cemento para techos, por favor siga las instrucciones de sellado manual que se encuentran en la sección clavado en pendientes pronunciadas/áreas de vientos fuertes mencionada anteriormente. By using this website you accept our use of cookies and the. Nail down the shingles as you go along. FIJADORES : Los clavos deben ser de calibre 11 o 12, para techo, resistentes a la corrosión y tener cabezal de al menos 3/8″ y una extensión de 1″ como mínimo. The shingles in the valley may lose their granules, and thus their coloration and protective capability, faster than the rest of the roof. Closed-cut valleys, also called closed valleys, are installed quickly and have a cleaner, sharper look than woven valleys. Cambridge exposure is 5-7/8″. Here are the advantages offered by this brand from various perspectives.There are two reasons roofers suggest IKO products: For maximum wind protection, cement shingles at rake edges. Still, it can be useful to know what goes into building a roof and installing shingles prior to hiring someone. You also want to consider the valley flashing profile. IKO UltraHP IR hip and ridge shingles have a Class 4 impact-resistance rating tested against UL 2218, which IKO is pleased to present for the sole purpose of enabling homeowners using these shingles in conjunction with Class 4 impact-resistance-rated shingles to obtain a discount on their home insurance premiums, if available in their area. These alternative offsets will not adversely affect the applicable provisions of IKO’s Limited Warranty, but may in some instances result in aesthetic issues. STEP 9: INSTALL THE FIRST COURSE: Start with a full length shingle applied flush with starter course at rake and eave. Follow these steps to install shingles. Terminez l’installation de toutes les noues avant de poser les bardeaux. 屋頂坡度 / 屋頂平台:切勿在坡度小於2:12的屋頂上鋪設瀝青瓦片。如坡度介於2:12與4:12之間(低坡度),請參閱下方有關保護墊層的特殊要求。不推薦直接將本公司瓦片直接鋪設於任何類型的屋頂隔絕層,包括珍珠岩或玻璃鋼、泡沫、木質纖維或類似產品。此外,將本公司屋頂瓦片產品在未獲得事先批准的情況下直接鋪設於任何結構板層(包括石膏、可受釘混凝土或類似產品)上將導致保固失效。, 第1 步,準備屋頂面:屋頂面必須光滑、牢 固、沒有雜物、乾燥並且沒有會造成危險的 釘子。木質板材的屋頂面應屬於外用級別, 符合建築物標準的規定。板材應為厚度至少 是3/8″的膠合板或厚度至少是7/16″的非單 板面板。我們不推薦您在規格材(包括搭疊 木板/木板平台)上安裝瀝青瓦片,因為有可 能造成皺褶的問題,而這不屬於我們有限保 固的範圍。, 第2 步,沿屋簷鋪設滴水簷:沿著屋簷直接在屋頂面上鋪設金屬製滴水簷,釘子之間的間隔大約在12”左右,確認符合建築規範的要求。, 第3 步,屋簷保護層:按照建築物標準 的要求與生產商說明鋪設屋簷保護層,如IKO StormShield® 冰霜雨水保護層,屋簷外懸空部 分的最小標稱尺寸為1/4”至3/4”,在屋頂上向內至少延 伸到外墻內側垂直投影線以里24”處。請注意:IKO 建議 在任何情況下都鋪設屋簷保護層,但是 如果您當地的法規或標準不要求使用冰霜雨水保護層,則可 以將首層屋頂保護墊層懸垂在屋簷外1/4”至3/4”處作為替代措施。, 第4 步,保護墊層:鋪設保護墊層時,可以 使用瀝青油氈或合成材料保護墊層,如IKO 的 StormtiteTM,沿水平線向上逐層鋪設,較長的 側邊重疊部分尺寸為2”,較短的兩端重疊部 分尺寸為4”。可以對鋪設在最頂部的墊層進 行裁剪以適應屋頂面的尺寸。需要在整個屋 頂面上鋪設一層瀝青油氈以符合ASTM E108/UL790 A 級防火等級或當地建築物標準的要求。, 低坡度:對於坡度介於2:12 與4:12 之間的屋 頂,逐層鋪設保護墊層時,每一層與之前的 墊層 重疊尺寸為19”,兩端重疊4”。或者您可 以按 照生產商的指示說明在整個屋頂面上鋪設冰 霜雨水保護層。 請注意:按照指示在坡度為3:12 與4:12 之間 的 屋頂鋪設的瓦片可以在整個保固期內享受 質保。在坡度為2:12 與3:12 之間的屋頂鋪設 的瓦片保 固期為12 年。, 第5 步,在(山形墻)斜面屋簷加裝滴水簷:沿(山形墻的)斜面屋簷在所有襯墊物上方安裝金屬製滴水簷,釘子的間隔約為12”。, 第6 步,安裝防雨板:在屋頂與墻壁、另一 個屋頂、煙囪或其他穿透屋頂之物體的接合 處必須安裝防腐蝕的防雨板,以防止滲漏。 防雨板應符合適用建築物標準及屋頂鋪設優 良操作規範的要求。, 第7 步,安裝開放式金屬溝槽:建議使用金 屬溝槽。(也可以使用密閉式溝槽,但不建 議。請有限責任保固以瞭解詳情。)應 在鋪設瓦片前完成屋面溝槽防雨板的安裝。 將一片36”寬的冰霜雨水保護層居中放置在屋 面溝槽處,在邊緣僅需使用足數量的釘子 將其固定即可。將寬度最小為24”、標準量度 最小為28 的鍍鋅金屬溝槽襯墊居中放置於屋 面溝槽,在邊緣僅需使用足數量的釘子 將其固定即可。沿溝槽兩側用墨斗彈線全程 劃線,頂端相距6”,向下逐漸變寬,每英呎 距離增加1/8”。鋪設瓦片時,將其覆蓋於溝 槽防雨板上,再沿墨斗彈線裁剪邊緣,在邊 角處剪下2”的三角形,將積水導入溝槽中 (A)。將每塊瓦片溝槽一側的末端用3”的瀝 青塑性膠泥鑲邊(B)固定。瓦片上的釘子必 須距離墨斗彈線2”以外。, 第8 步,鋪設初始層:IKO 建議您使用 Leading Edge PlusTM初始層瓦片。將Leading Edge Plus 瓦片沿虛線對折後分開。將第一片 初始層瓦片分成兩半。從屋頂左側開始,鋪 設屋簷初始層時,將其中一半瓦片鋪有礫石 的一面朝上,黏有膠條的一側貼近屋簷。屋 簷與斜面屋簷外懸空部分的標稱尺寸應為 1/4”至3/4”。在斜面屋簷上,將另外一半瓦片的頂 端與水平屋簷初始層瓦片的頂端保持齊平, 黏有膠條的一側貼近斜面屋簷,懸空部分的 標稱尺寸應為1/4”至3/4”。將一半長度的瓦片用釘 子固定好,釘子應在距屋簷邊緣3”處呈一條 直線放置,在距離兩端1”處各釘一枚釘子, 第三枚釘子放置在正中間。接下來用完整長度的初始層瓦片鋪設水平屋簷和斜面屋簷的 初始 層,懸空部分的標稱尺寸仍為1/4”至3/4”,每枚瓦片用四枚釘子固定好。亦可按照EdgeSeal鋪設說明安裝IKO EdgeSeal瓦片。, 第9 步,安裝第一層:使用完整長度的瓦片 開始進行鋪設,第一層與初始層在斜面屋簷 及水平屋簷上都需要對齊。每枚瓦片需要用 四枚釘子固定好,位置如下圖所示。安裝本 層第一塊瓦片後,請繼續使用完整長度的瓦 片完成第一層的鋪設,可以對最後一塊瓦片 進行裁剪以使其與下方的初始層懸空部分保 持齊平。, 陡坡/強風地區釘子的使用:在強風地區或坡度大於21:12 (60°)的坡面上,每枚瓦片請使用六枚釘子固定好,位置如下圖所示。注意:請確保不要在下層瓦片的接縫處2″以內使用釘子。鋪設時每塊瓦片下方請使用三個直徑為1”的黏合劑貼點進行固定,距離下緣邊沿2”,間距保持一致。請勿過量使用屋頂黏合劑,否則會使瓦片表面起泡。, 第10 步,墨斗彈線:為了幫助找齊,可以在 水平方向上使用彈線。逐層鋪設後,每一層 Cambridge 瓦片未遮蓋部分的垂直寬度為 5 7/8”。, 第11 步,安裝第二、第三和第四層:從每一 層鋪設的第一塊瓦片左側裁剪下尺寸分別為 10”, 20”和 30”的部分,斜面屋簷懸空部分的 標稱尺寸為1/4″至3/4″。繼續在屋頂用完整長度的 瓦片在每一層進行橫向鋪設,末端只需鬆散 接合即可。將瓦片的下緣沿著下層瓦片鋸齒 的頂部排列。注意:其他尺寸介於6” – 10” 之間的裁下部分仍可以使用。這些替代用裁 下部分不會對有限責任保固規章之應用造成 不利影響,但可能影響美觀。, 第12 步,安裝第五層以及後續層:重複前四 層的步驟,沿屋面逐層向上鋪設。為了達到 最佳防風效果,請在斜面屋簷用膠合劑加固 瓦片。, 第13步,手動黏合加固瓦片(如需要):當受到陽光直射並充分升溫後,出廠時添加的瀝青粘合劑應該能使瓦片與下層緊密黏合。但是低溫、強風或揚塵可能會影響黏合膠條的有效性,請按照上文「陡坡/強風地區釘子的使用」,進行手動黏合加固。, 第14 步,安裝斜面與水平屋脊:IKO 推薦您使用本品牌Hip and Ridge 系列預先裁切型屋脊瓦片产品,或者預先成型的增高型IKO UltraHP 产品。 對於IKO系列預先裁切型屋脊瓦片,將每一片沿屋脊彎曲,然後按照包裝说明用釘子進行加固。最後一塊瓦片上裸露在外的釘子頭應用屋頂黏合劑覆蓋。對於IKO UltraHP 产品,按照包裝说明進行使用。在寒冷天氣 下,鋪設前可以將屋脊瓦片存放在加熱場所 中,以達到更好的彎曲性。, 為確保符合強風條件下有限責任保固的條件:初始層瓦片必須安裝在所有水平屋簷與斜面屋簷處。瓦片必須依提示加裝額外的釘子,安裝後必須具備加熱升溫黏合的條件或者依提示進行手動黏合加固。在加拿大,必須同時加裝6枚釘子及手動黏合加固。手動黏合加固在佛羅里達州不是必須條件。, 重要資訊:進行所有鋪裝作業時,必須使用 釘線作為參照,將釘子釘入兩部分瓦片間的 重疊接合處。瓦片上的釘線過高會導致IKO 有限責任保固失效, 零部件緊固:使用的釘子必須是防腐蝕且標準量度為11 或12 的屋頂釘,釘頭直徑至少3/8”,長度至少1”。對於厚度在3/4”或以上的屋頂面板,釘子釘入深度必須至少 是3/4”。對於更薄的屋頂面板,釘子釘入深度必須至少是1/8”。. 1″ long in North America step 8: install open metal valleys are recommended of. “ bridging ” is a critical component of any roof, working in and... 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