Prevent unknown people from stalking you on Facebook. You've been temporally blocked from using it. Need HELP! This web site is for the purpose of disseminating information for educational purposes, free of charge, for the benefit of all visitors. Sometimes it just hides half of them, which is even more confusing. It’s like a goldmine of information. Here’s how you can do it in seven straightforward steps. A single search result should appear. STEP 1: Just type the first letter of the person's name you doubt the most STEP 2: You'll see the list of a few Facebook profile If you are logged into your account, you should see a gear (settings) icon on the left. What the vast majority of Facebook people don’t realize is that the little search box on the top of every page on the site is super powerful. A subset of these fields and edges can be be read by any app and app user, if the app has been approved for either the Pages Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access feature. You know… The ones where you have to have a Facebook account to get access. How Do I Password Protect my Excel Spreadsheets? Your email address will not be published. When you see a great post with public visibility (look for the tiny globe icon) that might appeal to your Facebook page audience, you can click the Share link on that post.Any public post can be shared, whether it’s from a person’s profile, public Facebook group, another Facebook page, or even a Facebook ad. From managing studies to getting some help with homework, you'll find at least one from this list. Facebook, as it turns out, has been collecting and saving your search queries and, with a little digging, you can go back and look through your history. If you've just published a new blog post, link to it on your Facebook page! This could be the date on which or around which the Facebook profile/page in question was created.This method relies on the practice that Facebook offers the option of uploading a profile picture at the time of account creation and mostly people do upload a profile picture.. One of the good things about having your fan page is that it can turn up in a Google search. You can check your likes on Facebook with the specific profiles really easily! Here’s how you can do it in two simple steps. Never miss a single article, review or tutorial here on AskDaveTaylor, sign up for my fun weekly newsletter! And one of its tricks is to search just your profile for words or phrases, even filtered by where you posted them or when you posted them. This wikiHow teaches you how to link to a Facebook page by tagging it in your Facebook status. While the search feature is more powerful when you are logged in, there may be times when you want to do a quick Facebook search without logging in. How to Browse Facebook Without Being Seen, Where Can I Find My Email Address on Facebook on Mobile and PC, How to Block Messages and Friend Requests from Strangers on Facebook, 6 Best Ways to Fix Cannot Log in to Facebook Account Problem, Privacy on Facebook is a Concern for Older Adults, How to Unlink Spotify From Facebook Account, A Review of Friendly for iPhone: A Cool Facebook App Alternative for iOS, How to Archive, Delete, and Restore Microsoft Teams Account, 2 Best Ways to Check Answers in Google Forms. It is unquestionably your friend. This isn’t entirely our fault. If you're signed into Facebook, the app will open to your News Feed. Facebook posts surfaced by a search on the iPhone 6. To do this, edit the ABOUT section of your Facebook page … People who like this page: This is a list of people who like your page, not necessarily who follow it to see your posts. With the advent of social media came a new breed of search engines: Social search engines. And one of its tricks is to search just your profile for words or phrases, even filtered by where you posted them or when you posted them. Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile? Not efficient, but still a solution to the problem of finding older posts, photos, etc. If you liked something in a Facebook ad, you should definitely tap it. Now you'll be using Facebook as your page -- which allows you to search for, like & comment on other business pages as your page (instead of your personal profile). Our most Facebook search activity is limited to typing the names of friends and pages in the search box and seldom we use it for other purposes. Are the recent changes making it difficult for you to engage on Facebook as your page? Just choose the relevant tab and enter the query, and Facebook will return with search results. Once on your Facebook homepage, right-click the background of the page and select View Source. On the web, select Edit and uncheck the box labeled Allow search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile. A C.A. Let’s find out. After you’ve entered these details, you’re prompted to upload your profile photo (180 x 180 pixels) and add the new page to your favorites so you can access it from your left sidebar when logged in. Social Searcher, on the other hand, allows you to search for not just people, but also conversations using hashtags and advanced search queries. He currently divides his time between Guiding Tech and Tech Wiser. You can add a Facebook “Our Story” section. Thanks a lot! Use the searchbar. Let's see how to avoid that hassle and, yet, search Facebook. Just keep moving forward with the search…. By John Haydon . Let’s get into more of the Facebook Page vs Profile benefits. Best free useful #Android apps for school and college students. However, we do not guarantee, and accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this site or on any linked site. Facebook displays first your friends and then friends of friends. Facebook has removed the search bar that was previously on your Facebook page and have introduced an “Our Story” section. Anyone, whether that person is a Facebook member or not, can find and access your Facebook Page by using Facebook’s internal search feature — or search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing. There must be some mega indexing in the FB databases ! To see your actual page, click your name next to the Home link at the top of the Facebook page. Weird? Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Search results and the profile information you see may vary depending on the users’ individual privacy settings. He has over 5 years of experience as a writer covering Android, iOS, and Windows platforms and writes how-to guides, comparisons, listicles, and explainers for B2B and B2C apps and services. Imagine what happens if the name is really common. Use Search Box at Facebook: Type the name of someone (whom do you want to search) in the search box of Facebook which can … It’s definitely your friend. You see, the name is deceptive. Facebook is a very popular Internet community for people to keep up with each other. In case you won’t find it at the top then there is an inbuilt search feature on the Facebook website as well as the app to search for specific posts. 1. Note: If you are really lucky then it may turn out to be a pinned post on Facebook as it will appear on the top of the group or page. Do you use your Facebook page to like and comment on other Facebook pages? You can search for people, posts, photos, videos, places, Pages, groups, apps, links, events and more on Facebook. How Can I Rotate My Android Phone Home Screen to be Horizontal. Just choose the relevant tab and enter the query, and Facebook will return with search results. All Facebook Pages are public, and therefore search engines such as Google include them in search results. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds. How Can I Ensure Apple Doesn’t Remote Delete Apps from my iPhone? Your Page is published. How do I find an old Facebook post or status update?eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'askdavetaylor_com-box-3','ezslot_4',125,'0','0'])); It used to be that you could simply go to your Facebook profile page and scroll down and down and down and see every post gradually appear. In fact, you can go further back, specify a date range, and more. As we saw earlier, even the most obscure name queries can come back with multiple results. A Facebook Page should be included in every business owner’s marketing plan. But it seems like Facebook always wants to show those items that garnered the most engagement (that is, comments, likes and shares) and hide those that have the least. With an active monthly user base of over 2.2 billion, Facebook is the largest social media network in the world. Both the services are free to use and comes with premium plans for business owners. Pay attention to the people who appear in the autocomplete menu. Facebook makes it easy for you to invite your friends to follow your page; and they can, in turn, invite their friends if they want to. This method assumes that the owner of the profile/page has not deleted the first profile picture. How to Change the Form on My Facebook Page. Wondering what #email address did you use to register with #Facebook and log in with that? Facebook, as it turns out, has been collecting and saving your search queries and, with a little digging, you can go back and look through your history. Jason Cipriani/CNET On Monday Facebook announced the rollout of new search feature for iPhone and desktop users of the social network. The content remains unbiased and authentic. A lot of people find useful pages through these ads. You can do this in two ways. How to Remove the Form on Facebook Page. All Page fields and edges can be read by apps that have been granted the pages_read_engagement and pages_read_user_content permissions by a Page admin. It is, of course, a terrible, shameful reminder of past whims, desires, boring queries, and any number of things that should never be and must be immediately killed with hellfire. For this to happen, you have to include the right sort of information. Allowing me to find that post from about six months ago: Easy enough to find when you know how to search. Follow me on LinkedIn Click on the radio button adjacent to “You” and the search results instantly change to show matches from your profile for the search. Facebook drives me crazy! Note: If you are really lucky then it may turn out to be a pinned post on Facebook as it will appear on the top of the group or page.. First, you want to go to the search bar at the top of the page and you can use this to search all of Facebook. Why can't I find my Facebook page when I search for it on Facebook? And while we’re here, please Follow Ask Dave Taylor on Facebook and check out some of our other Facebook help articles too! Page - Graph API Reference. To understand it better, I decided to search for Sunburn, one of the largest music festivals in the world. If you need some ideas, you can try some of these searches: Here are 4 ways to unlink your #Spotify account from #Facebook once and for all even if you used the later to sign up for #Spotify. Like Google, you will see only 10 results on one page. Further, please note that by submitting a question or comment you're agreeing to our terms of service, which are: you relinquish any subsequent rights of ownership to your material by submitting it on this site. A Facebook Page can improve your search engine rankings so that people can more easily find both your Facebook Page and your website. I’ve been using it for years, and it’s super hard to find old posts on my profile. Look closely along the top and you’ll see all these possible categories you can select:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'askdavetaylor_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',131,'0','0'])); None of them are what you want, however. Go to your settings, then “General,” and look for country and age restrictions. It is published and public and has 128 likes but new fans can't seem to find it in a search. Finally, he dropped out of college in the final year. Otherwise, you can use “People you may know” feature. Can't log in to your #Facebook account? Even better, your readers can click to share the good news with their friends. For this to happen, you have to include the right sort of information. On August 30, 1998, the first-ever Google Doodle came out. So, I decided to search for Jennifer Lawrence because well, I adore her like the rest of the world! So there you have it. Oh man, I remember Bryan posted a really funny dog video to my Facebook wall, like, last October, but now I can't find it. Their objective is to aggregate publicly available data from a number of social media websites, like Facebook, and display it neatly for the searcher’s perusal. If you want to change the form, you can do so right on the tab/app page. Enter Facebook Directory. If you’re sure you don’t want anything to do with a Page anymore, you can permanently remove your Facebook Page as well. Type the page's name into the search bar at the top of the screen, tap it in the drop-down box, and then tap the page you want to block. A Review of Friendly for #iPhone: A Cool #Facebook App Alternative for #iOS. Here's our explanation about everything that happens when Facebook bans you. Follow me on Instagram. Then you just have to navigate to that Page and click “Save” Comment on Other Pages as your Page. Note that I can’t help with Facebook username issues – that has to be handled by Facebook and you can message the Facebook Help Center for that. Business Manager is a Facebook tool that helps organize and manage your business. If only there were some way to search through my old posts. Instead, look on the left side and you’ll see a different type of search filter option: That’s what you want! Create an account or log into Facebook. Also, if you want to Google your Facebook page without the extra hassle, our reputation management software will show you all of your search results in one simple place. You can view and search through the full list or read through their recently added friends and friends from groups, such as their workplace, hometown, or high school. In this article you'll discover how Facebook page admins and Business Manager users can continue to engage on Facebook as their page. 2. If you don’t have a Facebook account, then chances are you are under 25 or over 80. You can upload a PDF to Facebook groups and business pages; however, those are the only places PDF files can be posted. It’s a lot, and it’s not what you want. One of the key benefits of Facebook is having access to the social site’s 2.27 billion active users. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. It was tense then too: That’s it. Begin typing the name you’re looking for in the Search box. The results will be culled from all your friends and the public Facebook feed. Basically what we are doing is placing an HTML document that you create inside of a Facebook page. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. To do this, edit the ABOUT section of your Facebook page and tell people about who you are and what you do. I found what I wanted in just a few seconds. I have allowed search engines to index my Facebook profile which means Google should have no trouble finding me. Here’s how. Go to the page you want to block. You don’t have to Like another Page as your Page to comment on their Timeline or Posts, you can just navigate to that Page and switch the icon to your Page. In case you won’t find it at the top then there is an inbuilt search feature on the Facebook website as well as the app to search for specific posts. It’s obvious how to do it when you point it out but thank you nonetheless. You can also use it to read breaking news and follow real time events. While Google Search is powerful and works for both people as well as pages, who would better understand their own database than Facebook. This answer is not useful. It can be a great resource if you want to search for info without wanting to log into Facebook. This also makes it the largest people search engine on the planet with the ability to search for people, pages, posts, groups, events, and even photos. Search Facebook Page And Group For Specific Posts. Select See more results for %your search term%. Pull up the verification request form. To search for something: Click the search bar at the top of any page on Facebook. Last updated on 5 Dec, 2018 One of the good things about having your fan page is that it can turn up in a Google search. All Rights Reserved. But this is only if they deem it relevant enough. To view your Purchase History on Facebook, please follow these simple steps below: Click on Settings located in the top right corner of your Facebook profile. Go to the Business Manager page of Facebook and access your Page. Search Facebook Page And Group For Specific Posts. If you've noticed that your Page isn't appearing in search results on Facebook, make sure that: Your Page doesn't have age or country restrictions. What the vast majority of Facebook people don’t realize is that the little search box on the top of every page on the site is super powerful. * You may have exceeded the number of Pages you are allowed to like. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. I’ll search for a great photo I posted a few months ago after I had a chance to drive the amazing 2017 Acura NSX by simply entering “acura“: The hints are based on overall Facebook searches and phrases, not your own profile, so don’t get too confused. The Facebook “Our Story” for your page is meant to be a glimpse of what your brand and page is about. Step 4 Now it will open in a new tab and a page will appear which contains the source code of that page. You can not only search Facebook for people by their name, but also by their email addresses and phone numbers. Who can look you up using the phone number you provided? How To Verify Your Facebook Page or Profile Want to try to get your Page verified on Facebook? As you can probably gather I’m not a big fan of Facebook, but I do have an account… It doesn’t have anything on it, it’s just a blank account setup with my name and it was created with the sole intention of allowing me to sign up to certain websites. The Internet is weirder, though. Go to your Facebook Page. In order to get verified by Facebook, you’ll need to submit a request form for consideration for verification. You can tell Facebook to search for people, pages or places. Try not to be too spammy by posting as your Page all the time. Could be a quick background check for someone you plan to hire or checking the page of a public organization like WHO, there are times when the hassle of logging in to Facebook to check something is not worth it. #1 Use Graph Search. There’s a good chance that you may find the person you’re looking for in this menu. To get the link, click “Settings” in the top-right corner of your page and click “Edit Page” on the menu on the left side (click to view the screen captures in the first part “Add the ‘Groups’ tab on your page”).Click “Settings” on the left side of the tab “Groups”. This really helps narrow down potential profiles. A great way for people as well as brands and companies to find out what others are talking about them. I switched to Pages tab before searching to get more relevant results. Let’s have a … When you join Business Manager, coworkers can't view your personal Facebook profile unless you approve their friend requests. Here are some additional filters that Facebook offers for searchers: Want to find all the posts you made on that last trip to Senegal? You can tell Facebook to search for people, pages or places. Follow me on Twitter My Facebook search bar (the one that says “search for people, places, and things”) is bringing up pages that I visited before, this is extremely offensive and inappropriate to me now.I cannot find a way to remove history from the search bar. Learn how to block messages, friend requests from strangers on #Facebook. Then in the left hand menu select Public posts. This opens up doors for you to search for even more stuff without really having to log into your Facebook account. A recent study has found out that #privacy on #Facebook is a major concern faced by the older adults on the social media platform. Use Find Friend’s Page on Facebook: Go to friends icon and select find friends link st the top of the menu. You can share a business page on Facebook via private message or by posting to your timeline, another page group, or an event page. 1. Have tried looking through all the setting options and can't seem to see what is wrong. I’ll be showing you how to do this from the desktop version of Facebook. It's a blue app with a white "f" on it. by profession and a tech enthusiast by passion, Gaurav loves tinkering with new tech and gadgets. It is, of course, a terrible, shameful reminder of past whims, desires, boring queries, and any number of things that should never be and must be immediately killed with hellfire. share. 6. Open Facebook. And one of its tricks is to search just your profile for words or phrases, even filtered by where you posted them or when you posted them. Show activity on this post. Log in to Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family and people you know. Wondering about your posts, comments, and likes if #Facebook bans you? There are a couple of ways to search for Facebook Posts without having to go too far into the weeds. when your Facebook profile timeline opens then right-click anywhere on that page and you will see an option “view page source” click on view page source. Your author page is also a great place to send the people you meet at book clubs, conferences, and signings — especially if you don't have an author website yet. Another way to search for a friend's friend is to browse the People You May Know page, which is a list of people you might know based on your Facebook friends. 1. There are three possible reason: * It may be possible that you were misusing this feature by going too fast. How can I easily search for old posts in Facebook? So, if you want to see all the likes with names of people on your Facebook page at once then your search ends here. You just need to create a simple Facebook application and embed an HTML document in it. You may be asked to enter captcha, to reassure FB that you are indeed a human, before you will see a small sample of data in alphabetical order. Enter the phrase and then use the magnifying glass to get all the results. Choose Friends, Friends of friends or Only Me to limit these type of searches. You can also show several different data lists here. But you can enter other queries too. Share a link to this answer. Find out how to check your email ID with Facebook on Android, iOS, iPadOS, and computer. You can’t post as your Page on anyone’s personal Facebook Profile, but you can post as your Page on another Page. You can share a business page on Facebook via private message or by posting to your timeline, another page group, or an event page. This makes People Search really powerful giving you the ability to refine your search queries. Like Pipl, Social Searcher will also show results from other social media sites. It's also possible they may not have a Facebook account connected to that phone number. For example, if I want to find a picture of my dad for Father’s Day, I would just go to the search bar and type in ‘Father’s Day’. Learn all possible reasons behind this issue and how to regain access to your Facebook account quickly. If you are using Google Chrome there is a nice plugin that allows you to search all of your old posts (install the plugin, authorize, import) here: This was a very useful post. The latter also has an app on the App Store. Public Page Data. Our lawyer says "Thanks for your cooperation.". Nowadays, however, Facebook’s algorithm not only tweaks what’s in your newsfeed, it also changes what shows up on your own profile page too. How to “Cast” YouTube Videos Directly from Google Chrome? 2. With your Facebook page, you can easily create an announcement and publish it to your audience. The search string is query. On the left side of this page a few more options will appear, click on the option Payments. Navigate to in a web browser or open the app on your mobile device and if necessary, sign into your Facebook account. Yes, it’s the search box. This method can also be used to ban/block someone from your Facebook page. Anyone, whether that person is a Facebook member or not, can find and access your Facebook Page by using Facebook’s internal search feature — or search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing. You Can Now See The Ads That Any Facebook Page Is Running Posted On July 1, 2018 George Carey-Simos 0 As part of its effort to bring more transparency to ads and Pages on its platform, Facebook has launched a new feature that allows anyone to see the ads a Page is running across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and its partner network. If you don't get a result, that person probably has their profile set to private and won't show up in search results. You can unpublish your Facebook Page so that it doesn’t show up in search or on anyone’s news feed (but Page managers can still access it). John Doe, anyone? It allows you to easily link to your articles and books. What Facebook Changed As these changes roll out to all Facebook page owners, you may wonder … Here, you can see a list with a search bar, so you can search to see if certain names show up in your followers list. Enter what you're looking for and choose from the results. While the capability and certain features are being rolled out (so don’t be alarmed if you’re missing some of these), I thought it would be a good time to start noting how and where you can begin a live video broadcast. What the vast majority of Facebook people don’t realize is that the little search box on the top of every page on the site is super powerful. Also Let's You Customize Various #Facebook Settings. You can not only search Facebook for people by their name, but also by their email addresses and phone numbers. Use the wizard to set up your Facebook page. How do you clear all browsing history from that bar? We take great care to provide quality information. Search results and the profile … As a B2B business, you'll want to Like pages of other businesses that would make ideal clients -- … Let’s have a look! © 2021 Guiding Tech. You can use this to track your Facebook in Google search as well as many other websites and properties. The thing with ads on Facebook is that you can’t go back to your timeline and expect the same ad to be there even fifteen minutes later. Required fields are marked *, Follow Me on Pinterest You can do that!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'askdavetaylor_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',132,'0','0'])); I took advantage of the opportunity to remind myself of the political climate back in 2012. If you want your Facebook page to show up in search results, you need to set both of them to “everyone.”. How Can I Set an Account Profile Picture in Ubuntu Linux? Maybe. Let’s have a look! This also is the case for just commenting on Posts on their Page. Pipl is a people search engine that will not only allow you to enter the name of the person, but also his location. So, I will type the following search string: I always thought my surname was weird and never expected to meet another by that name in this life. Since you can’t upload HTML files to Facebook, you’ll either need to upload to S-Drive or to your own web server. The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. If you have a Facebook account, you you have probably wondered how to search someone’s Facebook timeline at least once. , etc knows who should see your page is that it can be posted Facebook profile which Google! 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