The end user can do other things on the client-side and your application is free to respond to requests from other users. Luckily for me, using uWSGI to deploy anything in any languages: it builds in a nice little spooler that's going to let me spool emails without adding a single new software to my stack: not even having to start another process. Which is to say not nearly as useful. To work with Python packages, you have to pick the right subset of these technologies to work with, and you'll probably have to change course several times because all of them have major hidden pitfalls: * Publish package (including documentation): git tag $VERSION && git push $VERSION, * Add a dependency: add the import declaration in your file and `go build`. 2021 is probable going to be the "Gone Gil" moment ! Is it supposed to reliably log every task so that it can retry anything that fails and in the worst case feed failures into some monitoring system/process? The "simpler" Python/Flask solution has an increased complexity when the task at hand is not simple anymore. Asyncio is a different model, and more irritating for me to work with. For example: "leverage" + "use case" = "leverage case". Work queues introduce a magnitude or more of complexity to an http application. Are they not? > Neither Go nor Python are appropriate choices for highly parallel intercomunicating code. > I've found it's a taboo to discuss anything even slightly personal. It's way faster to just say "I'll have a 5 with a coke". Quite often you don't (I've built dozens of websites without needing Celery), 2. Flask/Django are mostly designed to work with a stateless approach. Questions like: should I send this email in-line in the web request? But having direct support in the lib might be nice. The cache is a simple key-value store. Sure, sending an email is probably fine to do in-line for now, but months in you may realise that things are slow, that you’re sending emails and rolling back transactions later, or committing the transaction but losing the email that needed to be sent, or all manner of other annoying edge cases. McDonald's is very often a love or hate divide as you can already see from some of the comments here. The one downside is that you need explicit synchronization between them, whereas with coroutines you can mutate shared data structures and not worry about race conditions as long as you don't yield in between. The vast majority of the time, gevent's monkeypatching works without any issues. Didn't expect it will cause some divide, Hey, Nice article format for actual humans with easy to digest flow. (Hint: it's not.). Great work! It's not just about the time the operation takes, it's about reliability. You could prevent that distraction by using a generic food takeout store and ask people to imagine their favorite. If your personal conversations boil down to appease your own personal need to criticise others then I'm sorry to break it to you but your problem isn't language. When your thread is waiting on something else. In most other languages you can get away with just running tasks in the background for a really long time before you need spin up a distributed task queue. We've been experimenting with nice compromises for using pydata on-the-fly compute with caching. go modules was still optional. I think they're very convenient if you are just running one instance of uwsgi and want to share some state quickly without going through a persistent database. No backend works well for every use case. It was a surrealist comical situation. Instead, you'll want to pass these tasks off to a task queue and let a separate worker process deal with it, so you can immediately send a response back to the client. If you're worrying about tweaking Celery for performance, then I suspect your uses may be a bit more complex than uwsgi's mules are designed for though., PS: I work with like 65-70% of that stack daily. The precipitous decline in quality upon cooling occurs because they are made by frying potato pieces rather than by assembling various starches in a laboratory. Could you elaborate, e.g. I prefer rq - Celery is too complex imho. what all changes i have to do to point my celery backend to redis-sentinel? The correct pattern should be a client submits a request to get something done to a thin layer, receives a ticket that allows it to claim the result and goes away to either check for the result via polling for the ticket or receives a call back. They've gotten horrendously expensive in the fast few years, though. It has nothing to do with Python, there a plenty of async web python framework. And even the most recent one is only about a year into wide adoption, so I wouldn't count on this being over. It gives you concurrency without parrallelism, because Python never did shake the GIL. > If it’s polling for status from the backend doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a worker to begin with? Then checks again and it’s done. Does anyone have enough experience with alternatives to Celery to give a good comparison of Celery vs. Dramatiq vs. RQ? If you needed a coordination layer or you needed to isolate certain types of traffic then it makes more sense. single-threaded evented runtime, or GIL runtime (python, ocaml), or if you want to avoid CPU-hard tasks being executed on your frontends. And, of course, you need multiple separate components because Python/Flask has no central "application" concept,there are multiple, stateless processes. To set up, first add a new directory to the "project" directory called "dashboard". It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. you can in theory download s3 files using async botocore, but in practice it is hard to use because of strict botocore version dependencies). I later swapped it out for Redis, because I needed to shared my cache between multiple machines. With decoupled ordering.. nobody knows who I am, nobody really cares (McDonalds doesn't pay nor train for welcoming and service mindset). I wonder how many other people have celery just for email. To nuance your comment, you can still get some form of parallelism, "just not" thread parallelism in Python. At SimpleRelevance we used RabbitMQ for months, since it's probably the most famous of the available options. I was already mad with: "python does not have a go-like concurrency story". these problems don't exist anymore since godep and now go modules which is builtin to standard go tooling. Would love to see more detail as well because I'm a bit skeptical. Go's packaging is wayyyy better than Python's. In that state they are delicious. Had you got e.g. Everything has its pros and cons. Sure. Very fast. So put that port number into you Redis server config into celery configurations file. In Go, we could just fork a few goroutines and be on our way. It's so sadly true that you can realize it without even looking. None of those are best in class. Python's closest analog is PEX files, but these don't include the runtime and often require you to have the right `.so` files installed on your system, and they also don't work with libraries that assume they are unpacked to the system packages directory or similar. The difference is that with coroutines, yielding is explicit. Same in my experience: emails should always be sent in a background process. You could get it so the polling is done on the front end and then passes the outcome to the backend but that obviously isn’t a good idea because then the backend is trusting outcome data from the front end. I'm slowly deprecating a python system at work and replacing it with elixir. Well, for that you have C or other languages with more mature and aggressive compilers. Yes, you wouldn't do all work in the task queue - commonly, we make some change in the database which can happen pretty fast, and after that transaction commits, we might defer a task that sends a notification, email, whatever. Every problem is not the same. As for Go's "set of problems with parallelism", they're pretty much just that sharing memory is hard to do correctly without giving up performance. Most of that issues are actually fixed in setuptools if you put all settings in setup.cfg and just call empty setup() in The coroutine and queue model is the same right ? "Best in class" is not a relative term. But you can't say it's good now just because it's the one we have now - it's good now if it's the one we still manage to have in five years. He is the co-founder/author of Real Python. I would think a message queue is the main thing, and a database is only necessary if you want long term persistence. Funny you mention the GIL - this is being done as part of PEP 554 which was slated to release in python 3.9 (in alpha). So? A full answer might depend on whether you are a customer or a cashier. newSingleThreadExecutor(); Where newSingleThreadExecutor method creates an executor that executes a … Talk about fast food :). Sorry for the Mcdonalds analogy, it's just that it's really near our office and I got that insight while ordering McNuggets! The article will resonate with a larger audience, and the comments will be higher quality. What if the contract of the job is changed by the code being deployed? This doesn't mean that the above stack has no use. In my experience (using Python since 2008 and Go since 2012), Go package management has far fewer problems. You can tell a background worker to send the mail and return to the user much faster. This is revisionist history. Because it can't be. RQ (Redis Queue) is another Python library that can help you solve the above problems. Most common use case for concurrency is for IO intensive workloads. Go may be unique in being the only ecosystem built after Python that can't claim it avoided Python's packaging disasters. I've done a little Go here and there, but frankly I don't like the ergonomics of the language too much, so I stay away from it. Exact same principle (which I also gave some credit at first), split everything in small chunks so people can go faster.. it all went worse because nobody took responsibility for anything since a single task was now a dozen tiny bits done by a dozen people not really knowing what their bit was for. Very noice! People are averse to feeling bad, so criticism needs to be extremely subtle in order to not offend. It costs manpower to deliver food to tables, but the additional orders are worth it. Yes, Python is more limited than Go here, but hardly makes a difference when you avoid it. With Python? If you just need multiprocessing, use a multiprocessing pool, it comes with python. Perhaps your web application requires users to submit a thumbnail (which will probably need to be re-sized) and confirm their email when they register., Also consider if the machine running that process just disappears and that process dies. I think my tastebuds must be off because I feel the same way. Go tried to ignore modules entirely, using the incredibly idiosyncratic GOPATH approach, got (I think) four major competing implementations within half as long, finally started converging, then Google blew a huge amount of political capital countermanding the community's decision. Shoot the gzip over (actually I upload to s3 and redownload), unzip, and the entire environment, the dependencies, the vm, literally everything comes over. In that case, it might be valuable to transform CPU waits into IO waits by moving the CPU work to a jobs queue, possibly running its workers on a different set of machines entirely. You _can_ get by without a distributed system, but you will need to tolerate loss in those scenarios. Can you explain why? when it would be enough (and 1000x less cringe) to say: "python does not have go-like concurrency". I can't say that about Python. Everything has its pros and cons. I find it more helpful to start with a problem, and discuss the various tools that address it, in different ways. Also my average time to serve for 1 hamburger with no other customer around is 7min. None of those languages are more difficult to program in, but yes, they are hard to learn. Go's is simple: a release is a tag in a VCS repository. Those are some of the best dirty burgers you can have on this planet. I can't say the same for drive-thru though...seems like any orders from the drive through are always tagged with a higher priority. Ah, okay. And since Python is about two orders of magnitude slower than Go (and Python also makes it much harder to optimize straight-line execution because it lacks semantics for expressing memory layout), you tend to need parallelism more often than you would in a fast language. I do it when I have to do it. This might not be viable all the time, what if you have a stream of tasks being put to the queue ? And they're efficient, so you can spawn thousands without a problem. Queues - DB vs Redis vs RabbitMQ vs SQS. * Distribution: Build a static binary for every target platform and send it to whomever. ? Django Development: Implementing Celery and Redis. reply. If your application processed the image and sent a confirmation email directly in the request handler, then the end user would have to wait for them both to finish. I fully agree with this assessment, but I don’t see how this puts Python’s story on par with Go’s. Again, I tried to start 400 workers with one core each. Your problem is that you manifest a need to criticize others. It's just more work for less features. You have to set up virtualenvs, not to mention celery and rabbit, and god help you if you're trying to operate it and you forget something or another. They've increased their ability to take orders, but haven't been able to keep up on the supply side. For example: "leverage" + "use case" = "leverage case". This is less elegant when things take a very long time though or are prone to retries. Developed by and it has only gotten worse over time. Then, grab the task_id from the response and call the updated endpoint to view the status: RQ Dashboard is a lightweight, web-based monitoring system for Redis Queue. Unfortunately, PEX files aren't even very common in the Python ecosystem. Scale: can send up to a million messages per second. Ideally the Celery documentation that talks about BROKER_USE_SSL should be updated to specify the keyname format for redis vs amqplib. I'm not sure why it has to be a process that requires a human at all, just to be a cashier. It seems to me like you got personally offended, interpreted my comment in the most uncharitable way, and chose to lash out at me instead, and I'm not sure why. This required calling message.decode() , introspecting on the ETA and the timezone thereof - which I'm sure violates all sorts of barriers between Celery and Kombu. This seems odd to me, as personally I would want to minimize the latter not the former. Here is a basic use case. Go is absolutely best-in-class if you have typical Python values. "Redis" is the top reason why over 53 developers like Amazon ElastiCache, while over 84 developers mention "Task queue" as the leading cause for choosing Celery. That is such quite a stretch of the imagination and I sure didn’t read it that way. Also, using an external queue and workers considerably increases the operational complexity of the system. Pretending that celery/redis is useless and would be solved if everyone just used Java ignores the fact that celery and redis are widely popular and drive many successful applications and use cases. One-to-one vs one-to-many consumers: both. You're combining multiple problems: maintaining a package for redistribution, and using packages. I'm just more productive with gevent, personally.). If you’re cloud native maybe you leverage lambdas. I've seen things so absurd, people walking around not knowing who to talk to, where to go, what to assume; both customers or employees. Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. What is Heroku Redis? If the subject of the analogy is enough of a hot topic, it will get attention itself. This would definitely break the CPython API, which is not an option for mainstream Python. Volume of this or that is not really an issue: with the exception of chips, these days they hardly prepare anything at all before it’s been ordered, so it doesn’t really matter whether they make a burger or a muffin. Most of the time you're i/o bound, or network bound, or storage bound. I think a hard part with lots of these “what do I use x for” examples is it starts with the tool and the discusses the problem that it solves. and as of the latest release its finally been labelled production ready. I inherited a system built on celery, rabbitmq and nameko I’d be interested to hear how people setup their systems to debug and test new tasks. You could certainly use message queues and workers. Another thing Python and Go unfortunately have in common is a community (not necessarily core developers) with knee-jerk reactions to any criticism. That way, you can easily scale worker capacity up and down and you can restart your web server processes without having to worry about background job persistence since that is handled by the message queue. I've always typed out `.close()` manually like a sucker. Python packaging is a mess, but Go doesn't even bother. It's quite a bit more complex and brings in more dependencies than Redis Queue, though. Usually I see job queues in the wild used for async/send-and-forget workloads, Personally I would rather chain multiple synchronous service calls if I needed a synchronous workflow. Celery - Distributed task queue. I wasn't even talking about anyone specifically. Containerize Flask and Redis with Docker. In my experience a lot of applications with workers that require a result to be furnished to a client are incorrectly engineered. It works just fine. I'm all for tech and automating queues...but humans are complex beings and until the gap is bridged, I think we have a lot more room for improvement! Haskell and Rust do make it easier, by forcing developers to organize their code in a completely different way. that's what vendoring is for and the proxy cache. you should ask this exact same question here -. Running four processes with GOMAXPROCS=1 is strictly worse than 1 process with GOMAXPROCS=4. UK, last I checked). I use lambdas often and they seem to solve the problems they're meant for well. You could use something like async / await without Celery and Redis but Celery brings a lot to the table. What has WSGI to do with state? couple decades? (Mock out the Redis instance with. Besides, serious projects in Go do use additional tools for creating task queues because they need to handle various stages of persistence, error handling, serialization, workflow, etc. This explains how to configure Flask, Celery, RabbitMQ and Redis, together with Docker to build a web service that dynamically uploads the content and loads this content when it is ready to be… How do you figure? Go's packaging story has a few rough edges, but Python's is an impenetrable maze of competing tools that each purport to address others' major hidden pitfalls. (3) it got introduced too late. no have no idea what you're talking about. Redis sentinel setup is done. A lot of these measures have come to markets where breakfast is still not served all day (e.g. Hi, author here! With all due respect, my recent experiences ordering at McDonald's have been nothing short of horrible! > Go is absolutely best-in-class if you have typical Python values. I like minimalism, but sometimes batteries are included for a reason. I was more referring to how it knows once it’s finished since the task is asynchronous. go: tends to wait and implement something once the problem is understood. Either the client or server needs to be responsible for queuing/message persistence/retries - with services the client does it, with job queues the server does it. I used mules in a couple of ways. For the second, the much more common case, 2/3 of the things on your list are irrelevant. Finally, we can use a Redis Queue worker, to process tasks at the top of the queue. and it has only gotten worse over time. Tight-looping will hog the CPU, and a blocking call will block other coroutines too. Can you provide some context for this statement? The difference with go is that it go has these primitives built in from the beginning and using them doesn't introduce interoperability problems. Integrate Redis Queue into a Flask app and create tasks. We want to parallelize the processing of that structure, but the costs to pickle it for a multiprocessing approach are much too large. The third one is best done synchronous, it doesn't matter the nature of the process or how long it takes. I handled that kind of situation with the aforementioned webhook callbacks instead. That's why I distinguished McD's out of the comparison with "mid-priced.". (5-15). I've opened an issue which was promptly closed and I was told to "just download the binary dist, source builds are for devs". So as before I tried to spawn 50 workers with 8 cores each instead. You were the one associating discussing remotely personal stuff with criticising others, and if that was not bad enough your personal take was that you felt the need to keep criticising others but resorting to subtlety just to keep shoveling criticism without sparking the reactions you're getting for doing the thing you want to do to others. , Redis will be running on port 6379 , and flower will be running on localhost:5000 . Running python -m asyncio launches a natively async REPL. Check out Asynchronous Tasks with Flask and Celery for more. It's not in the standard library, and there are probably other options too now (not a heavy Python user any more), but Python has had easy parallelism for at least a decade (probably longer). On its own, yes. If user wanted their files deleted that caused all sorts of calls to AWS to actually delete the files, which could take a while. If you really need the answer immediately to show to a user on a page, background workers (usually) don't help. Note: Both the Celery Broker URL is the same as the Redis URL (I’m using Redis as my messge Broker) the environment variable “REDIS_URL” is used for this. This way, you're not discouraged from ordering if you feel like the wait will be too long. You could probably also combine this with uwsgi's async mode. Forget email, say you have a app that scans links in comments for maliciousness. More revenue, Actually with uWSGI, be in on Flask, Django or else: I don't need neither Celery nor Redis. My observations, ordering with it work in progress developers to organize their in!: // # running-... https: // id=22911497, PS: I work with a ''. Either of those are some of redis vs celery existing Python ecosystem to invoke background processing and immediately return a.... All in-process, letting queues drain in a graceful shutdown 're not discouraged ordering... We describe relationship between RabbitMQ and Celery systems machinery for a 5 a... 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