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And all that new concrete meant a lot of tie bars and a lot of dowel drilling. The retrofit begins with cutting of six slots (three in each wheel path) across all transverse joints or cracks. High Strength Anchoring Epoxy. How to Extend Concrete Walls | eHow Greater concrete bearing area, less stress. Broom Finsh with one coat of Cure and Seal. Once sealed within the concrete the air cannot get to the bar and so it will never rust. MasterEmaco ADH 326 | Master Builders Solutions PDF Concrete Accessories Joint Doweling Systems Drill through sound concrete compatible diameter to a specified depth as per the specifications of epoxy adhesive and fix the new rebars under a competent person's supervisio. The plastic sleeve is nailed to lumber edge forms before concrete placement and the steel plate slides into the sleeve after forms are removed in preparation for the adjoining slab. Even if you did need/decide to dowel them together, stainless steel would be un-necessary - just get some standard T12 (12mm) or similar reinforcing bar and drill it into the existing, making sure it has at least 40mm concrete cover all around. 1) #4 2) Yes, if that gets the rebar into the holes, with the ridges. I was thinking of cutting a few short (140mm) channels across a few places where the new and old concrete joins to a depth of half the slab thickness (~70mm) and laying a 12mm x 100mm length of rebar into a bed of epoxy and finally, filling the channel over the rebar with high strength repair mortar. PDF Concrete Jointing and Details: Thickness is Only the Start How to fix corroded rebar in concrete - Quora Clean out hole really well (compressed air is best), get some epoxy into the hole, hammer rebar in then pour your slab next to it tieing the rebar into your mesh. 0.00 0.00 Accommodate some differential movement longitudinally along the joint. Apply fresh cement o the cut surface. This eliminates the need to embed the bar deep enough into the base material to develop the rebar for steel failure. As a mason and a builder, I've used 5/8" rotary hammer drill bits to epoxy #4 rebar to reinforced concrete as a "tie in" or an anchor. He said no, that we wouldn't want that b/c you don't want the patio connected to the house in case of movement etc. rebar, into concrete and masonry. 1 . How to re-pour concrete in saw-cut slab? - Fine Homebuilding 2. Doweling Rebar Into Existing Foundation For Addition | The ... PDF 22 Spec - 416 Concrete Pavement - Appurtenant Construction I would use either 1/2" or 5/8" threaded rod or #5 rebar. The horizontal rebar should be wired to vertical dowels that are grouted into the concrete base as shown in Figure 2. (Epoxy) Rebar dowels are typically used to strengthen the bond between two concrete structural elements. This is the common reason for dowel rod use in road repairs (known as dowel bar retrofit). Just lay a 2X4 on the ground with the 3 1/2" side vertical and boom instant form. Development of A Rebar Dowel Anchorage System for ... Should I let my contractor drill and set rebar dowels in ... proctor density approved equal. These dowel bar slots are then chipped out to place a 1 1/4 " dowel bar 15" long in the slots. there was no transversal rodding used. 1.2K views Answer requested by Ridam Dhami Related Answer Do remove the grass first. Dowel into existing concrete, spacing maximum - 18". 8 Foot Tee Wall, Backfill 2-7 Feet, 0-100% Fines, Machinery Allowed On Non-Structural Slab, And On Soil. 5) I would do 12". Dowel bar retrofit Saw truck sawing slots for the Dowel Bar Retrofit. in Figure 2. Once the hole is completely filled with epoxy, put the end of one of your rebar dowels in it. Insert 12-inch lengths of rebar into the holes, twisting them to ensure an even coating of epoxy around their circumferences and along their lengths within the holes. (Dowel rebar into existing concrete) Step: 4 (Install 4,000 p.s.i. When butting up a new footing to a basement wall, the boss would have us simply knock a hole or two in the cinderblock about 6" round, stuff some ruble into the top of the block below the holes & allow the concrete to flow into the block & drop a piece of rebar in once the concrete level was half way up the hole. He's calling out for a 6-inch deep concrete, with a 3250-PSI straight cement, and also he's gonna go with wire mesh. What Epoxy Rebar Dowels do. I don't want to core drill. proctor std. Expansion joints are required against all existing concrete except at the curb line. For epoxy coating bars having cover less than 3db or clear space between bars less than 6db, use . Don't tie your new slab into the house foundation. re: Tying New Concrete to an Existing Foundation - Yes or No? Hi Gary, If using anchor theory, there is no testing for epoxy coated rebar being used with a Hilti adhesive for anchoring into concrete. Because its the easiest quickest way to do the form work. Dowels are smooth steel, rebar is deformed steel. Use care to attain good concrete consolidation around dowel bars and along the patch perimeter. Learn how to install rebar with an epoxy anchor into concrete using Hilti's standard cleaning method. (2) Clean drilling dust, debris, and excess moisture from holes before inserting the epoxy and dowel bar. • Limited use of dowel bar inserters (DBIs). When the rebar is not being used to hold the concrete members together, post-installed anchor theory can be applied. To transfer the load of producing in the concrete slab or pavement, dowel bars are left to joint any slab, column, and pavement. In general dowel bars are used in the concrete pavements and are round steel bars. 1) hammer-drill holes sideways into the cut surfaces of the concrete to make holes 3-inch deep for dowels (3/8 rebar that I already have sitting around) 2) remove all loose material from the dirt hole. Additionally, dowel rods can be used when looking to reinforce concrete in one horizontal direction, whilst allowing some movement in a direction perpendicular to the initial direction. Traditional Method 1 2 3 Drill dowel holes in lumber (edge form) Insert dowel into edge form Grease half of the dowel Make first concrete placement Hand align every dowel Rotate dowel to loosen bond Remove dowel Strip edge form Reinsert dowel into . I'm converting my carport into a garage. Does this sound like the way to do this. Our strong, versatile epoxy adhesives for concrete and brick are ideal for anchoring threaded rod, rebar and smooth . Step 5 Insert your rebar dowel into the hole. Whether it's for new or existing builds, from residential buildings to bridges, Hilti have a solution. The thought is, if your patio begins to shift and it is locked into the existing slab it could either crack the patio or damage the house. be a 2" x 6" form board or d. forms shall be set up so that . Re: rebar dowel size and spacing. Originally posted by AZ Contractor View Post. This eliminates the need to embed the bar deep enough into the base material to develop the rebar for steel failure. The range of dowel bar length will be 45d to 50d as d is the dia of the bar. Is this overkill?-use mesh reinforcement. Even some require application of bonding agent to enhance the bonding. 6 reinforcing bars where new concrete is to be joined to existing concrete by means of 7 dowel reinforcing bars grouted into holes drilled into existing concrete. -dowel rebar into the adjacent existing sidewalk? back of curb radius5' min.10' max r.o.w. Load your concrete epoxy adhesive into the epoxy gun according to the instructions included with the gun. That solution would be for a monolithic pour on base material compacted to a min. Formulated to allow for adequate placement time. Re: Drilled and Epoxied Rebar Installation. It is often said that you should not dowel into an existing slab because you want both pieces of concrete to be able to move separately. Insert the tip of the epoxy gun into one hole and pump the trigger. Rebar dowels are used to brace the joints between two concrete elements. Just lay a 2X4 on the ground with the 3 1/2" side vertical and boom instant form. Sidewalks must be continuous with joints; provided at 40'-0" center to center max. Bonding fresh concrete to existing concrete. Can be effectively used in thinner slabs than round dowels. I asked one company if the new patio would tied into existing foundation with dowels or rebar etc. Dowels are lengths of rebar that extend from near the bottom of the footing up into the cavity area of the forms, and are used to control a transverse sliding movement, as well as pulling or tipping movement. When the rebar is not being used to hold the concrete members together, post-installed anchor theory can be applied. High Strength Anchoring Epoxy-862031 - The Home Depot 4) These look to be primarily shear, so probably 6" embedment is fine. After holes are drilled into the concrete footing or slab, the holes are cleaned and epoxy injected. sidewalk joints. measuring dowel alignment have had at least two important consequences on concrete pavement construction in the United States: • Dowel placement tolerances that may not reflect field experience. 10 11 Reinforcing Steel 602 12 13 Epoxy-Resin Adhesive 712.02 14 15 Epoxy Grout 712.04(B) 16 17 Submit test certificates indicating conformance of materials to . existing concrete curb & gutter full depth saw cut at existing flowline remove curb only #3 dowel bar, 24" long on 24" centers, dowel & epoxy 8" into existing concrete. 7. where new sidewalk is placed against existing where new sidewalk is placed against existing sidewalk, saw cut existing sidewalk to an even straight line prior to installation of the new sidewalk install #4 rebar dowel into existing sidewalk. And I'm about 99.9% (unless it is off the ground) sure your house isn't on piles. Down here in gator country my architect would typically prescribe: drill and epoxy 36" #5s 24" o.c. Non-sag, solvent-free, low odor formula. expansion joint spaced @ 20' o.c. If you're looking to extend, join or strengthen walls, slabs, columns or beams, then post-installed rebar systems can help. The intend of the dowels are to pull together the old and new concrete together such that their bonding become inseparable. Historically, 3/4 inch x 14 inch and 1 inch x 16 inch smooth round dowels spaced at 12 inches on center have been used in construction joints for 5- to 6-inch and 7- to 8-inch-thick slabs (Ref. HOW TO USE POST-INSTALLED REBAR. As figure A.2 shows, the slab with only 2 inches of concrete cover between dowel and surface performed as well as the slab with 3 inches of cover for up to 10 million load cycles (Odden et al., 2004). Celtic will not be responsible for any permits or cracking that occours in concrete. And then also we're not gonna dowel into the existing driveway, we're just gonna go 6 . Use a drill bit with a diameter that is 1/8-in. Used to brace joints between concrete into the existing reinforcing steel. I have been told by several contractors here that the rods should have been a minimum of 4-6" into the original driveway and should have been placed no more than 16" apart. Figure 9-80 shows the drilling operation being performed at a widening joint. The horizontal and vertical bars are recommended to be constructed of 1/2" (13 mm) rebar and should be embedded to a depth of at least 6" (152 mm) in the concrete. Cut sufficient space in concrete at least 48 times the do a of bar.wash it completely with fresh water. Furthermore, if you're tying into another concrete component -- like a footing or a reinforced concrete wall -- you must use a bit that allows for the placement of the rebar and the anchoring epoxy. Rebar is drilled and epoxied into the old concrete to help keep the new concrete in place. Expansion material with dowels in sidewalks - 20' maximum spacing. Between 7 and 8 inches, you are in a gray zone, and the use of dowels depends on the amount of trucks, the traffic patterns (channelized or non channelized), speed, etc. Flush the holes with water. Very heavy and massive pieces of concrete will use heavier gauge rebar, but for typical driveway, sidewalk and step repair, ½-inch rebar is usually adequate. into an existing footer with a min. If using rebar theory, the appropriate Ψe reduction factor can be used to account for the epoxy coated rebar. I believe it has 8" wall. A.: In ACI 302.1R-89, "Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction," ACI Committee 302 does not recommend keyed joints for slabs thinner than 6 inches, and also doesn't provide guidance for dowels in slabs thinner than 5 inches. Best to avoid placing too long a section at once and also other items of good practice to minimise this.. One way to minimize these separations is to pin the two sections together with rebar. 3) Quikrete 8.6 oz. Enough concrete was removed around the rebar to allow room for the dowels at the bottom of the precast pier cap. Strip form and insert ungreased dowel into the Speed Dowel sleeve Dowel Bar Installation Using vs. Drill 5/8-inch diameter holes six inches deep into the old concrete. e) Be doweled into existing curbing, as applicable. 4. Coating rebar. However, the concrete may crack anyway because the bars also . Fill the hole with epoxy slowly. rebar was used and was 16" square pattern. More information. Typically, I don't really put wire mesh in stuff, I go with rebar, but he likes the wire mesh. It is then filled with a special high strength concrete mix. I've heard this is good practice as it locks the new slab in with the old so they will heave together. sidewalk at existing tool joint surface be level with concrete shall match color of and joint sealing compound 4 ' 5 shall be placed on a b. a min. Making these dowel holes deeper and lower will help to prevent popping the edges of the concrete on the top when you bend the dowels down. (one exception to this may be if the new wall is loaded disproportionatley to the existing). If the holes in the concrete are at least 1-1/2" Bonding Dowels in Drilled Holes There are three materials currently specified to bond a reinforcing dowel into a drilled hole in existing concrete. 416.3.4 Placing Dowel Bars in Existing Concrete (1) Drill holes into the edge of the existing concrete to the dimensions the plans show. 4) shovel-in dirt into the hole and pack-down each 4-inch layer, repeat. Put the bar and pour fresh concrete. Would someone explain how to connect the rebar properly? Whether you need high-volume dispensing tools and bolts for rebar doweling on a high-traffic infrastructure retrofit project or a concrete adhesive for a do-it-yourself project, Simpson Strong-Tie offers a wide variety of adhesive anchoring products to meet virtually any need. Another rule of thumb for the use of dowels is truck traffic. The carport has very good foundations all around, and I'd like to reenforce my concrete slab by tying the rebar into the existing foundation. If the design lane (most heavily trafficked lane) of the roadway has less than 80 trucks per day, dowels are . I would recommend against dowelling into a 150mm slab as it very often breaks out the concrete. And I'm about 99.9% (unless it is off the ground) sure your house isn't on piles. If you don't have the clearance, a layer of 30-pound roofing felt should work. Vibrate fresh concrete to hold old concrete and ensure fresh concrete has surrounded the bar fully. The concrete and reinforcing steel work together by providing compressive strength and strength in tension. Can a rotary hammer drill with carbide tip be used to drill the hole? 8 Foot Tee Wall, Backfill 2-7 Feet, <50% Fines, Machinery Allowed On Non-Structural Slab, And On Soil. Inject epoxy into the backs of the holes. of 2500 psi however. Use f8 mesh on 60mm 5 chairs. Efficient use of steel. The existing specifications are based on limited laboratory testing and ana-lytical investigations. Recommended uses: Interior and exterior. You drill into the existing slab every 400mm with a 12mm hole 100mm at least into slab) then get some rebar. Alright in this video we go over the usefulness and time saving of Speed/Slip dowels for your rebar instead of later drilling up to 100 holes into the freshl. reduced concrete cover did not significantly affect the LTE performance of pavement. Filling joints and voids in masonry. fiber reinforced concrete 4-5 inches thick) (Hand tool joints, picture frame edges and joints with light broom finish) Step: 5 (Saw cut joints to make sure they're 25% of overall depth) (Pressure wash and clean up) Insert the tip of the epoxy gun into the hole as far as you can. Keep in mind that here in Dallas we have terrible . The method is called a dowel to join the 2 slabs. Push the dowel in as far as it can go, and then move on to the next hole. greater than that of the tie bars. Epoxy can be used for anchoring bolts, dowels and reinforcing bars, i.e. Grouting bolts, dowels, and rebar into concrete, stone, and masonry. the dowels were placed about 4' apart and into the existing driveway about 2". Diamond shapes for formed Slots for the dowel bar retrofit are milled into existing concrete with the modified roto mill head Many states are retrofitting older highways with epoxy-coated dowel bars. surface full depth asphalt . deep. of 6" imbediment. The idea is to reduce restraint so your slab doesn't crack. How do you attach rebar to an existing slab? Answer: 1. The size and diamond-shape of the Taper Dowel provides concrete joint stability, load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition, without restraining floor movement. If rebar is used in place of dowels, it must be taped or greased.