Supercold LH. The S-IC first stage has shut down and separated from the S-II second stage. Mode One-Bravo is similar except the pitch control motor would not be required since the vehicle would have tilted over enough to aim an escaping CM out to sea. Isnt that weird eerie, John? However, Mike Collins was a late addition to the Apollo 11 crew and by the time he joined, Buzz Aldrin had already trained for the centre seat during this phase of the flight. First, a description of the engine. Ignition sequence starts. God, look at this central mountain peak.Collins: Isnt that a huge one?Armstrong: Look at the [garble]. Like the previous time base, this will coordinate the events around staging and the subsequent control of the third stage. Inboard engines are out, on the second stage as planned. Downrange, 1,000 [nautical] miles [1,852 km]; altitude, 101 [nautical] miles [187 km]. This is Mission Control, Houston. The two passengers sound like two travelers making sure they brought everything, with Aldrin jokingly chastising Armstrong for overpackingbringing some items from the command module. Is your is your insulation all burned off here, on the front side of your window over here? At 3 minutes; downrange, 70 [nautical] miles [130 km]; 43 [nautical] miles high [80 km]; velocity, 9,300 feet per second [2,835 m/s]. It picked up at the T minus 9-hour mark at 11:00 pm Eastern Daylight last evening. Then, he went to Mars where he spent 17 years at a military base. This was because hypersonic testing had shown that the CM-LET combination had a stable tower-first attitude. The signal to shut down the S-II's outboard engines also initiates time base 4 in the IU. Over. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Photo filed 21 March 1969 - Scan by Kipp Teague. Apollo 11 Flight Plan, Honeysuckle Creek website. According to NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin wandered the moon for three hours, conducting experiments and collecting moon rocks. 190 [nautical] miles [352 km] downrange now, 72 [nautical] miles [133 km] high, velocity 11,000 feet per second [3,353 m/s]. All indications coming in to the control center at this time indicate we are Go. If one looks carefully, the roll thruster of the upper package can be seen operating as the stage departs. When it was time, Armstrong and Aldrin clambered into the Eagle lunar lander while Collins stayed behind in the Columbia command module. Apollo 11 Prelaunch Mission Operations Report (M-932-69-11), 1969-07-08, part 1. Apollo 11 could now get into orbit using the S-IVB if necessary. They are not listed in chronological order but rather in the order that data was dumped onto storage tapes during the mission. All three stages use liquid oxygen (LOX) as the oxidiser component in the burning process. The effect of this was two-fold: it reduced the thrust from the stage by a quarter but it also increased the specific impulse and therefore the efficiency of the engines. The transcript is currently not comprehensive nor continuous. Note that this form of guidance is not trying to aim for a particular point. Instead, during a One-Bravo abort, a pair of canards at the tip of the LET would deploy to force the CM-tower combination to adopt a CM-first attitude. In the rocketry situation, two things are happening to vary this pressure: the vehicle's rising speed makes it higher; the rapidly thinning atmosphere brings it down. It concludes with the confirmation of orbital parameters and the configuration of the S-IVB third stage for the Earth orbit phase of the flight. The Apollo missions, one of which led to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrins iconic first landing, are some of the most profound accomplishments of mankind. Its X-axis pointed straight up and its Y-axis pointed to true north. They also planted the U.S. flag and a sign to mark their landing, claiming their visit a peaceful mission for all mankind. Thanks are due to Mary Hopper whose able communication with WYLBUR on the The exact time that the main fuel valves open is sequenced across the five engines to spread the rise in applied force that the structure of the rocket must withstand. There it is.Armstrong: When do we have to get these? Velocity is 23,128 feet per second [7,049 m/s]. The first 42 seconds are flown in abort Mode One-Alpha. Credit: NASA. GRR begins a 16-second period that inhibits the first of the Saturn V's control timebases. From then on, until three minutes before launch, the level is replenished as the volatile LOX continues to boil off from heat leaking into the tank. Philadelphia, PA 19106, 104 South Fifth Street Astronauts on the first mission to the moon were mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin. This is in case an outboard engine fails whereupon the resultant off-centre thrust vector would be nearer to acting through the centre-of-mass of the rocket. Were the interstage to stay with the S-IC, there is a danger that any slight rotation of the massive first stage would cause contact between the giant ring and the engine bells on the S-II. The acceptable range of vehicle rotation is altered and is now 9 per second in pitch and yaw, 20 per second in roll. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. At sea level, the atmosphere acts somewhat as a cap on an engine's nozzle, getting in the way of the exiting gases. HONEYSUCKLE (REV 1) 00 01 02 48 CC Apollo 11, Apollo 11, this is Houston on S-band. The F-1 engine has a complex ignition sequence which will be described here. Astronauts report it feels good. The following searchable pdf file of the Apollo 11 storage was created from that effort. Armstrong: Naturally NASA was committed at that time, and couldnt risk a panic on earth. Apollo 11 Flight Plan, index to page scans. Three minutes, 45 seconds and counting. Collins attempted to find a star named Menkent to help the spacecrafts guidance systems figure out their orientation in space. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. Between the high-stakes maneuvers, the crew joked around, listened to music, and drank way too much coffee. We sure did. Apollo 11 transcript. PDF file (18.0 MB). One astronaut, Eugene Cernan, even speculated as to whether they should tell Houston what they heard. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, walks on the surface of the moon. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. According to NASA, the dark side of the moon is filled with significantly more craters and less of the smooth, dark mare we normally see. Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513, The Infamous Bermuda Triangle; Theories to Unravel the Mystery, Scientists Just Inserted a Human Intelligence Gene Into Monkeys, A 12-Year-Old Boy is Youngest Person to Achieve Nuclear Fusion. As a matter of fact, Im way overdue for a meal myself, here. Thus, in the communication that follows, Mike will use the moniker LMP, and Buzz, CMP. Eighty-second mark has now been passed. Proc. Randy Cramers life experiences are either incredible or absurd. 04:21. . It is enormous! At the top of the turbopump shaft is the LOX pump with a single, large inlet in-line with the turboshaft axis. All of the Apollo spacecraft included onboard voice recorders, activated during much of each mission to record the crew's conversations. Six and a half hours before launch, the tanks are precooled to prepare them for the loading of LOX. The CM then goes through an automatic sequence to carry out a safe landing on Earth. Eventually, it was time to plunge through the atmosphere and parachute down to the Pacific Ocean. S69-39525 - Seconds after first-stage ignition for the launch of Apollo 11. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city. The interior lining of the combustion chamber and engine bell consists of a myriad of pipework through which a large portion of the fuel supply is fed. I mean felt tip.Collins: [Garble] much embarrassed to say theyve lost a Hasselblad. 00 00 57 40 CC Roger. We're through the region of maximum dynamic pressure now. [Fred Haise, in Mission Control]: Apollo 11, Houston.Collins: Go ahead.Haise: Roger, Mike. What's Happened Since CERN Fired Up the LHC Again? Therefore, the platform is aligned so that the minus-Z axis lies along that heading (or azimuth) and a servo system holds it there, not allowing it to respond to Earth's rotation. After a major loss of human lives during a battle between the military forces and native people of Mars, he was deployed back to the moon where he spent his final three years as a military pilot. Ive got Armstrong: [Garble. This platform's ability to stabilise itself is such that without external influence it would stay in a constant orientation with respect to the stars even while Earth turns and it would therefore appear to slowly rotate, even though it is actually Earth that is rotating. T minus 15 seconds, guidance is internal. AS-506 (Apollo 11) Technical Information summary. KSC-69PC-399 - Neil Armstrong leads his crew across Swing Arm 9 carrying his portable oxygen supply. Soon after launch, the vehicle will roll around in order to match that orientation before commencing a preprogrammed pitch manoeuvre to send it heading for low Earth orbit. While the Saturn was in the thicker parts of the atmosphere, it was undesirable to allow it to make large attitude changes, hence the pre-programmed tilt sequence. He will report a refined orbit after more radar tracking. When you get right up there to it, when you see it, why that isnt the color at all.Collins: Darkbattleship gray, isnt it?Aldrin: Maybe notI dont know Collins: Well, what kind of Aldrin: what stuck to the spacecraft, I think you can see afterwards Collins: What do you think it is from thegeology standpoint, is it basalt dust? Outboard engine cut-off. It carries systems primarily concerned with the guidance and control of the vehicle. Liftoff! Credit: NASA Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. The Saturn's propellant tanks have shaped explosive charges attached. Between the suiting-up room and the spacecraft, each crewman carried his own oxygen supply in a suitcase-sized unit. Neil Armstrong confirming both the engine skirt separation and the launch escape tower separation. Scan by Kipp Teague. If this checkout does occur, we acquire Goldstone at 1 hour, 29 minutes elapsed time. 16 July 1969. In Apollo 11's case, a 9:32 am launch requires that the Saturn's groundtrack away from the launch pad will be on a bearing of 72.058. Instead, the spacecraft would embark on a planned for, but hopefully never used Earth orbit mission. Can You Really Charge a Crystal to Resonate Positive Energy? Roger. The platform's orientation with respect to the theodolite will be maintained until just 17 seconds before launch. At one of their last meals in space, Collins, the mission comic, decided to poke some fun at the next crew that would make the same journeyApollo 12. Sometimes, they sound just like a group of guys on a road trip. Can take another one here when he gets around a little better. Apollo 11 Alternate And Contingency Checklist, index to page scans. Flight Operations Reunion for the Apollo 11 20th Anniversary of the First Manned Lunar Landing. The solution adopted from Apollo 10 onwards was to shut that engine down before the vibrations were expected. However, mathematical modelling had shown benefits to an open-loop decision, one based on the change in MR occurring when a specific velocity had been reached. I see a pen floating loose down here, too. CMP:Did you hear that whistling sound, too? Forty-five minutes after the launch, the astronauts tried to get comfortable, sounding rather like friends settling in for a long car ride. I was reading the transcripts from Apollo 11 and found it to be stylish in a retro-futuristic poetical way - so spontaneous yet historical, so vintage and still our first step in outer space. Throughout the S-IC burn (and for the start of the S-II), the vehicle has been flying a series of pre-programmed manoeuvres called the tilt sequence. After the film was exposed, the camera was ejected and parachuted into the ocean, to be located by radio and recovered. T minus 25 seconds. ]Aldrin: That it? The Apollo 11 Mission Report gives "initial contact" as 109:24:15 or 02:56:15 GMT/UTC on 21 July 1969. And we request you turn up S-band volume for the Honeysuckle pass. With tapes of whats arguably humanitys most important moment being lost, transcripts being classified, and bizarre firsthand accounts from astronauts themselves, it seems that there could be much more to be disclosed. The two astronauts spotted what they, at first, assumed to be a stage of the Saturn V rocket, called the S-IVB. This moment is more formally called Guidance Reference Release or GRR. Tumblr user weaver-z pointed out some hilarious conversations Apollo 11 astronauts had while on the mission. He would wake up as though no time had passed, feeling like he had just had a really, really long dream. CC-Transcript Open Close. Would you like Armstrong: Feels comfortable to me.Aldrin: would you like it a little warmer, anybody?Armstrong: I dont think so. The next announcement comes from the PAO at Mission Control in Houston, rather than the Launch Control Center at Cape Kennedy, Florida.]. Philadelphia, PA 19106, The American Philosophical Society 2019, Center for Native American and Indigenous Research. The level in the tank was checked again at T-13 hours and again at T-1 hour. Title: Microsoft Word - SE_NHL_Earnings Call Transcript_26.05.2023 Author: 363840 Created Date: [Owen Garriott, in Mission Control]: That does sound pretty good. The intrepid trio of space explorers lifted off 9:32 a.m. July 16, 1969, from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, landed on the moon July 20, lifted off again at 1:54 p.m. July 21, and splashed down at 12:50 p.m. July 24 in the Pacific Ocean. - 30 seconds. S-IVB stage ignition. However, accounts from former military intelligence officials have claimed there is more on the dark side of the moon than NASA is letting on. Beautiful!Aldrin: Yes, theres a big mother over here, too.Collins: Come on now, Buzz, dont refer to them as big mothers. Predicting that will be uncovered at 8 minutes, 17 seconds with outboard engine cut-off 9 minutes, 11 seconds on the second stage. The major manoeuvre of the tilt sequence has been a slow tilt around the pitch axis towards horizontal as the vehicle climbs. Excerpt from the Apollo 11 Transcript of the Moon Landing, page 49, 1969. Apollo 11, with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin was the first Apollo flight to land on the Moon, on July 20, 1969. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. 16 July 1969. Apollo Publ'n Corp., Admin. (Collins was referring to his previous mission, Gemini 10, where he lost a camera during a spacewalk.) Cornell Uni's Prasad on US Debt Deal & US China Trade. Initially, the LOX is fed at a slow rate which furiously boils as it contacts the relatively warm tank structure. KSC-69PC-387 - Apollo 11 Saturn V from the Firing Room at the Kennedy Space Center after rising about ten times its own length. Answer: They both create excitement and enthusiasm for space exploration by using words of motivation and intrigue; The "Rice Stadium Moon Speech" recalling past human's discoveries, and "Apollo 11 Transcript" describing the first actual exploration of the moon. Apollo 11 Flight Radio Transcript: Astronaut Neil Armstrong uttered the historic phrase "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" as he took his first steps onto the Moon's surface on July 20, 1969. Nevertheless, controllers allowed the S-II stage to continue and it successfully inserted the orbital workshop into orbit, benefitting from the lower overall payload that Skylab represented. Got your stopwatch?Armstrong: Got it in my pocket.Aldrin: Well, the [garble] us over, huh?Armstrong: And, one thing Id appreciate if you couldsee if you couldfind the Aldrin: What?Armstrong: The map.Aldrin: Yes. Presentation Operator MessageOperator Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to Apollo Hospitals Limited Q4 FY '23 Earnings Conference Call. As a result, many of its recordings are barely, if at all, audible, with a constant high-pitched background tone. 11:16. Therefore, although in real time 30 seconds elapse between each plane separation, the same events in these versions are separated by two minutes. Hasselblad gone. The digitized recordings are available here in the same form as they were recorded during the mission. Left to right, are Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. View Flickr image. This is Apollo Control. One minute to LOS Carnarvon; AOS at Honeysuckle 59 33. As we came into the count this morning, we did already have the fuel aboard the first stage, but it was necessary to bring the liquid oxygen aboard all three stages and the liquid hydrogen fuel aboard the second and third stages. In case the Service Module's engine has to be used in the event of an abort, power is applied to two gimbal actuators containing motors, clutches and jack screws that will rotate the engine in its mount so that its thrust can be applied through the spacecraft's centre of mass. Long-Term Orbit Stability of the Apollo 11 "Eagle" Lunar Module Ascent Stage; Remembering Apollo 11; This Brochure Contains a Transcript of the Apollo 11 Post-Flight Press; Mission Design Applications in the Earth-Moon System: Transfer; Apollo 11: Where They Were When - a New Spatiotemporal Eva Map; Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages It takes two seconds for full performance to be attained on all engines once the first has begun to increase. KSC-69PC-443 - The Apollo 11 Saturn V at the moment of ignition. When he turned 17 in 1987, Cramer was involuntarily recruited to be part of the Mars Defense Force (MDF), whose purpose was to protect five civilian settlements already in existence on Mars. No, no, no, this is not an optical illusion. 12, 11, 10, 9. Apollo 11: Theyve landed there. These include a digital computer, an analogue flight computer and an gyroscopically stabilised platform mounted within three gimbals. Armstrong was elected an APS Member in 2001. Karl Wolfe, a technician at the Air Force Tactical Air Command headquarters in Langley, Virginia, analyzed data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, claiming he and his colleagues viewed artificial structures on the dark side of the moon, including radar antennas and structures made by intelligent beings. The result on the F-1 is a 20 per cent rise in thrust. After they lifted off from the moon and returned to the command module, Collins bombarded them with questions about what theyd seen. Change in mixture ratio caused by the operation of the PU valve. The yaw at launch and the roll to align the rocket with the launch azimuth were two of these. This is usually achieved by firing small rockets to settle the tank's contents to one end. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Directly above the turbine, on the same shaft, is the fuel pump with two inlets from the fuel tank and two outlets that feed high pressure fuel, via shut-off valves, to the injector plate. This is the Start Tank. This graph is redrawn from the AS-506 Flight Evaluation Report. AS11_TEC.PDF. Note the condensation cloud that has formed in air expanding aft of the first-stage/second-stage transition. Scan by Kipp Teague. Explanation: The "Rice Stadium Moon Speech" by John F. Kennedy tells the audience all of the positive impacts that going to . Whether there is any validity to these theories is up for debate, but some are so intriguing they cant be ignored. Apollo 11 Mission Report - 1971 Version ( These transcripts are among several other accounts of astronauts in the Apollo program experiencing strange phenomena. Although Armstrong as commander has his own window through the Boost Protection Cover attached to the Launch Escape Tower, and Aldrin in the center couch can see through the hatch window above his head, Collins in the right-hand couch has had his windows covered up to this point. In the event the launch vehicle cannot be controlled, these would be detonated to open the tanks and ensure their contents are dispersed while at altitude. You all just finished a meal not long ago, too, didnt you?Aldrin: Im still eating.McCandless: Okay. The missions successes were heralded as a new era for space exploration and a harbinger of our civilizations technological evolution. Collins: Menkent. Labelled diagram of the F-1 engine. The Apollo 11 Saturn V lifts off with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. on July 16, 1969, from the Kennedy Space Center's Launch . A line from one of these feeds supplies the gas generator with fuel. 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